Occ. Code 1441300





New York State Department of Civil Service

Classification Standard


Incumbents of positions in these classes, under direction and guidelines, perform and supervise the performance of various personnel activities such as position classification, recruitment, placement and employee services for the purpose of staffing, developing, and maintaining an adequate and competent work force. In addition, they may assist in the organization’s employee relations and staff development programs. Positions are located in most State agencies.


Under the supervision usually from a higher level personnel administrator, Senior Personnel Administrators function at the full performance level in accomplishing tasks as assigned, for the majority of their time in one or more of the following personnel functional areas: position classification; the conduct of the organization’s recruitment, examination, placement and retention activities; and the administration of employee-oriented services such as health and safety programs, employee insurance programs and employee counseling. In addition, they may perform fact-finding activities in closely related areas such as in disciplinary cases, certain grievances and human rights cases; and assist in the organization’s staff development program.

Characteristically, the basic purpose of the above activities is to build and maintain a work force that is effective in accomplishing the agency’s mission and goals within the framework of the merit system. Assignments at this level usually entail standard work procedures, processes and guidelines. The individual area of expertise usually is limited to a portion of the personnel program and rotational assignments are generally made to permit incumbents to develop a greater familiarity with the different personnel functional areas and to help facilitate a better understanding of the interrelationship of these functions. In addition to the performance of personnel activities, Senior Personnel Administrators may supervise a subordinate staff of trainees and clerical personnel.

Associate Personnel Administrators are involved for the majority of their time in the same personnel functional areas listed above and are generally responsible for a significant segment of the overall agency personnel program. Characteristically, they supervise a subordinate staff, including Senior Personnel Administrators, trainees and clerical employees, in an agency usually with more than 300 employees. Incumbents normally are required to have good knowledge of several facets of the personnel program and how they interrelate to each other. Under policy direction and guidelines, Associate Personnel Administrators operate with relative independence in planning, organizing, conducting and coordinating personnel activities to attain specific objectives. They may personally conduct personnel studies with significant agency ramifications and participate on intra or interdepartmental management committees concerned with resolving broad issues in personnel administration. In addition, they may assist in the administration of the agency employee relations program and the organizational staff development program. Typically, an Associate may be the top-level personnel position in a small agency with 200-300 employees.

Positions responsible for planning, directing and evaluating the personnel program of a major State agency are classified as Director of Personnel (Classification Standard 1443100). Positions which serve as principal assistants to a Director of Personnel in agencies of approximately 3,000 or more employees are classified as Assistant Director of Personnel (Classification Standard 1442100).

Positions having responsibility for all employee relations and staff development activities in addition to the above personnel activities and meeting the requirements of the respective standards are classified as Director Human Resources Management (Classification Standard 1445100) or Director Institution Human Resources Management. Those having responsibility for directing or administering only labor relations activities in an agency are classified in the Agency Labor Relations Representative Series. Positions having responsibility for staff development activities only are classified in specialized titles such as the Agency Training and Development Specialist Series or the Mental Hygiene Staff Development Series. Positions responsible for central guidance and control in the areas of labor relations, staff development, personnel administration and merit system administration in the Department of Civil Service and in the Office of Employee Relations, Executive Department are classified under a variety of specialized titles.


As assigned, supervises a subordinate staff of personnel administrators and clerical employees engaged in activities in support of recruiting, developing and maintaining an adequate and competent organizational work force.

May assist in developing and maintaining an organizational classification plan designed to achieve agency goals.

As assigned plans, conducts or supervises the conduct of the organizational recruitment program.

As assigned, assists in developing and maintaining the agency examination program in cooperation with and under the general guidance of the Department of Civil Service.

As assigned, supervises the administration of a number of tasks pertaining to the appointment, assignment and evaluation of personnel.

As assigned, supervises the administration of various employee-oriented services.

Conducts special studies designed to gather and evaluate information which may be used by management to solve a problem or to improve the agency’s personnel program.

Under policy direction and guidelines, may assist in the administration of the employee relations program.

May be responsible for developing and supervising the organization’s staff development and training program.

Prepares or supervises the preparation of various personnel reports and related correspondence.

May supervise the activities of a clerical unit in preparing and processing the agency’s biweekly, lag and special payrolls.


The nature of the tasks performed by incumbents in these classes requires frequent oral and written communications with program managers, agency administrators, employees at all levels, and others to identify and resolve various existing or potential personnel administration problems. Within the agency, incumbents may act as technical advisors on certain aspects of the personnel program, assist in giving interpretations of negotiated agreements to ensure common understanding, obtain background data on classification and personnel manpower needs for given programs, and may explain and support agency manpower policies and goals. Incumbents may interview candidates for vacant positions, counsel individual employees to improve problem situations, and advise employees on available employee benefits and career training opportunities. In addition, incumbents may conduct fact-finding actions in disciplinary and grievance cases, sometimes in a stressful situation.

Outside the agency, incumbents may have frequent oral and written communication with Civil Service representatives regarding personnel transactions, list certification problems, examination requirements and classification requests, in order to expedite agency priorities. There are periodic contacts with Office of State Comptroller representatives to resolve individual salary problems; and occasional meetings with other agency representatives on matters of mutual concern in personnel administration. Incumbents may have periodic oral and written communication with professional groups and various school and community organizations to further the agency recruitment program; and frequent communications with various members of the public on personnel related matters.


Senior Personnel Administrators are supervised by an Associate Personnel Administrator or a higher level administrator, who makes assignments, gives instructions and guidelines, is available for advice and assistance, and reviews periodic reports and completed work for conformance to established standards.

Some Senior level positions entail the supervision of a subordinate staff of trainees and clerical employees. The Senior provides guidance and training to the staff as appropriate, makes assignments, reviews work in progress to evaluate need for adjustments, provides additional direction and assistance as needed, and reviews completed work for appropriate quantity and quality.

Associate Personnel Administrators perform duties requiring a high level of competence in the field of personnel administration. As such, the Associate generally works under broad guidelines from a higher level administrator, usually an Assistant Director or Director of Personnel or Director Human Resources Management or Director Institution Human Resources Management. Normally, assignments are reviewed when completed, for conformance with guidelines provided, and with agency goals, policies and priorities.

Associate Personnel Administrators typically supervise and train a group of lower level administrators and supporting clerical staff. In this capacity, the Associate assigns specific projects to subordinates, gives written and oral instructions and guidelines, is available for advice and assistance, and reviews periodic reports and completed work for conformance to established standards.


As assigned:

Additional requirements for Associate Personnel Administrator:


Associate Personnel Administrator: One year of permanent service as a Senior Personnel Administrator.

Senior Personnel Administrator: Satisfactory completion of one year as a Personnel Administrator Trainee 2.

Reviewed: 6/02

NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.