Occ. Code 2501800





New York State Department of Civil Service


Classification Standard




            Chief Clerks supervise, plan and organize the activities of a very large clerical staff typically engaged in receiving, processing, maintaining and/or distributing state records, documents and/or licenses. These activities are generally performed in support of a major agency mission and, as such, frequently involve the application of legislation in providing services to the public or to the agencys program staff.


Positions in this class exist in a number of State agencies.




Chief Clerks are characterized by supervising a staff of subordinate employees; planning and organizing the work of a number of inter-related functions; developing and implementing work procedures; and determining priorities in activities that have an immediate effect on the general public or in providing centralized clerical services to an agency program staff where little contact with the public is involved.  In agencies having large electronic data processing installations, incumbents of this class may supervise data entry and quality control activities.


The number of employees supervised may vary considerably from position to position depending upon the emphasis and the other factors noted above. Generally, however, a Chief Clerk supervises a staff of more than 50 to about 150 subordinates. In such cases, the activities directly affect the agencys program and in some cases the general public so that daily operating efficiency must be maintained at a very high level to avoid unnecessary delays and inconvenience.  In some cases where the staffs activity does not involve direct involvement with the public and where the work processing is voluminous but involves few variables the subordinate staff may range from up to about 400.


Positions of Head Clerk are distinguished from those at the Chief level by their having a smaller subordinate staff and less emphasis on determining work procedures and those priorities which have a direct effect on the agencys program. In those cases where such activities are performed, there is usually a higher level clerical or program administrator immediately available to provide assistance when necessary.




Supervises a staff of clerical employees through two or more subordinate level supervisors.












Plans, organizes, and schedules the work activity of the subordinate staff.














Periodically prepares narrative and statistical activity reports.






Prepares annual and periodic budget requests.








Insures that subordinate staff is adequately trained.






Interviews applicants and selects individuals for employment by determining their suitability for a particular vacancy in the section.




Chief Clerks have frequent and continuing verbal communication with subordinate level supervisors at meetings and staff conferences for the purpose of exchanging information and organizing the work force to accomplish the organizations objectives. In addition, Chief Clerks typically confer with program managers and administrators to insure that the support services for which the incumbent is responsible are adequate and also to discuss and present alternative solutions to operational problems. They also participate at meetings at the agency director level for the purpose of discussing ideas and exchanging information in the development of policies governing specific operations.


Communication with the general public varies depending upon the specific activity supervised. However, typical of this class is frequent communication with the public in matters regarding agency services or operations which are subject to frequent public criticism, i.e., licensing and revenue collecting. Communication with the public is both written and face-to-face in response to either a question or a complaint about the agencys service or a determination. The latter may involve emotional stressful situations.




An incumbent of a position in this class is responsible for supervising a large number of subordinate employees through two or more subordinate level supervisors. They assign work activity, set goals and measure each supervisors performance in meeting such goals; provide written and verbal guidelines and instructions; observe work performance; and take remedial action when performance is deficient.


A Chief Clerk reports to either a program manager or an administrator who has significant supervisory and program responsibilities in addition to that which is supervised by the Chief Clerk. As such, the Chief operates independent of direct supervision in terms of work procedures and the setting of priorities. However, they are guided by agency policy and specific guidelines in terms of services to be provided.

















Positions in this class are normally filled by the promotion of employees with at least one year of permanent service in a clerical position allocated to Grade 15 or higher.





Reviewed:  6/04


NOTE:  Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.  Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class.  The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written.  Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.