Occ. Code 2810400




New York State Department of Civil Service


Classification Standard




            Associate Administrative Analysts supervise the analysis and evaluation of organizations or of major segments of organizations and their work, and based on study findings develop recommendations and advice to management for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations management, and otherwise assist with the identification and solution of administrative and management problems.


            Associate Administrative Analysts function in a staff capacity in a staff or line organization and are located in many State agencies.




            Typically, an Associate Administrative Analyst supervises a subordinate staff in planning, developing, analyzing, performing, evaluating, advising on, and improving such management concerns as organizations, information systems, management control systems, the evaluation of program and policy, and work methods and procedures.  Operating with considerable independence and initiative, an Associate Administrative Analyst may personally perform analysis of the more complex organizational problems in terms of such factors as the scope and implications of the study, and the number, type and level of positions in the organization.  For large multi-faceted programs, the incumbent considers among other factors a number and variety of laws, rules, and regulations.  This analysis requires a high level of analytical ability and judgment in developing methods, study procedures, and recommendations based on study findings.


            As Associate Administrative Analyst may function as a generalist with responsibilities for performing the full range of activities associated with this class, or based on the size and program mission of the organization served the incumbent may specialize in a specific program area or administrative analysis activity.


            The analytic process utilized by the Associate Administrative Analyst may vary by the nature, requirements and objectives of the management activity reviewed.  However, the process typically involves identifying the problems or factors inhibiting the effective accomplishment of program goals and setting the objectives of the project; developing a work plan in light of the objectives and the problems to be solved; the collection of data; the analysis of the data; developing alternative approaches and making specific recommendations; making periodic progress and final reports on the study findings; preparing or directing the preparation of reports and other material necessary to implement the recommendations; and assisting others in implementing and evaluating the recommendations.


            The techniques used in administrative analysis include, but are not limited to work distribution and workflow charting, task analysis, statistical work measurement studies, systems and organizational analysis as well as observation and the conduct of interviews.


            Other positions functioning as staff specialist to management and performing program analysis activities are included in the Budgeting Analysis and Computer Systems Analysis Series.


            An Associate Budgeting Analyst supervises a staff in the preparation of an agencys budget document in addition to the imposition and evaluation of expenditure controls, the evaluation of program costs, the forecasting of future workload and cash expenditures and the evaluation of the necessary resources to implement new programs and services.




Supervises a staff of analysts and support clerical employees in the conduct of a variety of management and organizational studies and surveys.


־         Plans and organizes projects assigned for analysis and study.


־         Assigns tasks to subordinate staff.


־         Periodically reviews the work of the subordinates to insure compliance with schedules and project objectives and for accuracy, completeness and soundness of recommendations.


־         Periodically evaluates work performance and suggests corrective measures.


־         Assists staff by providing technical guidance and direction.


־         Trains new employees in the procedures and techniques required in the performance of their job and periodically provides instruction and retraining to the staff on the use of various analytical techniques and methods, and reviews and interprets applicable laws, rules and regulations.


־         Personally performs the tasks of major assignments listed below and as required, assigns portions of an assignment to the staff providing specific written and oral guidance.


The activities and tasks followed in administrative analysis vary with the problem.  The following represents the steps typically taken by an analyst in working through a problem from the initial planning stage to submission of the final written report.


Reviews written and/or oral requests for studies of agency programs, policy, and organizational structure to determine the nature of the problem, the objective of the project and any other relevant details.  Such studies include, but are not limited to, the following areas:  organizational structure, organizational planning, project management and evaluation, productivity improvement, policy evaluation, program evaluation, operations, procedures and methods, forms design and control, cost benefit analysis and management or internal audits and in cooperation with computer specialists the feasibility of utilizing electronic data processing systems.


־         Conducts initial fact-finding to develop background information on the project utilizing interviews with the program staff and others and the review of written reports, memoranda and other relevant documents.


־         Determines requirements and scope of the study and prepares a written description of the project for review by the supervisor.


־         Considers the feasibility and possible benefits of utilizing Information Technology systems to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of programs under study through meetings with professional Information Technology personnel. 


־         Based on the requirements and scope of study, estimates cost including the time and staff requirements and the possible use of information technology.


־         From information developed during fact-finding, determines the possible benefits to be derived from the study and evaluates such benefits in terms of providing solutions to administrative and management problems and improving program effectiveness and efficiency.


־         Considering costs, benefits and other related facts, prepares written recommendations to supervisor as to whether or not the proposed study should be undertaken.


Prepares written plans including the definition of the problem, a statement of objectives, time schedules, manpower requirements and the analytical tools and fact-finding techniques to follow when working through the assignment.


As required, works with other line and staff program specialists such as computer systems analysts, budgeting analysts, and personnel administrators, who are concerned with and will contribute to the project.


־         Provides assistance and direction by defining the problem and objectives of the study, establishing work schedules and specifies the contribution expected from the specialists.


־         Periodically meets with the specialists to discuss the progress of the study, review and resolve problems, and the like.


־         Reviews progress reports and final reports prepared by the specialist to insure that they procedures outlined and recommendations made meet the objectives of the study.


Prepares periodic factual written reports on the progress of the study and final reports containing study recommendations along with supporting charts, procedural outlines and other documents for review and approval by the supervisor.  If information technology computer systems are to be applied to the new or modified system, written material including user procedures covering such application is usually prepared by the computer systems analysts and is incorporated into the final report.


May make an oral presentation to agency officials and other concerned parties utilizing charts, slide presentations and other visual support devices and techniques to describe the study findings and the effect on such areas as policy, program, organization, procedures, forms and the like, the benefits to be derived from the new or modified system, and answers questions concerning the project and its implementation to insure all concerned have an accurate and uniform understanding.


Assists agency and program managers by providing technical assistance and consultation in implementing the new or modified system.


־         Prepares written implementation plans including schedules, manpower requirements, training requirements and other necessary details concerned with this activity.


־         Directs the writing of procedures and the development of new or revised forms.


־         Periodically monitors the system by reviewing reports and directly observing operations and recommending modifications where necessary to insure its successful implementation.


Periodically reviews current operating procedures and methods, such as organizational structure, policy, programs, and management systems for adequacy and effectiveness in relation to such concerns as organizational structure and work efficiency to determine if there is a need for a change.


־         Prepares written reports on findings and discusses findings with the supervisor identifying and defining problems and recommending project areas for study.




            The nature of the tasks performed by an Associate Administrative Analyst requires frequent oral and written communication with agency administrators, program managers and others to acquire and share information concerning work methods and procedures, organizations, work controls and similar functions of management.  Incumbents conduct fact-finding interviews, observe operations, consult with and explain to management recommendations made for changes in work operations and other key actions proposed.  Cooperative relationships are established with agency administrators, managers, program specialists and others concerned for the purpose of gaining their cooperation, support and assistance.  The Associate prepares a variety of written documents, including study plans, special and regular reports, organization charts, procedures and forms.




            Associate Administrative Analysts typically supervise a staff of subordinate analysts and may also supervise a supporting clerical staff.  In this capacity, the incumbent plans and organizes the work to be assigned, assigns specific activities for projects to the subordinates and reviews the completed assignments for accuracy, completeness and logical conclusions.  The Associate provides the analysts with written and oral guidelines and instructions which provide the basis for the Associates review of the assignment.


            Positions in this class are generally supervised by a Principal Administrative Analyst; a Supervisor of Administrative Analysis, or an administrator with varied responsibilities in addition to administrative analysis.  Assignments and guidelines are generally broad in scope leaving the Associate free to develop the work plan and the analytical methods and study procedures to be followed.  Work is reviewed for soundness of approach and conformance with overall study objectives.




־         Good knowledge of the functions, processes and principles of management.


־         Good knowledge of the organizational structure, functions, operations, objectives and goals of the agency and its programs.


־         Good knowledge of the techniques and methods used in administrative analysis.


־         Working knowledge of appropriate laws, rules, regulations and procedures governing the operation of the agency and its programs.


־         Working knowledge of the principles and practices of supervision.


־         Working knowledge of the basic trends and current developments in the field of management analysis.


־         Basic knowledge of computer-related terminology and of information technology equipment capabilities and restraints.


־         Ability to identify management problems and propose solutions.


־         Ability to gather and analyze data and draw conclusions.


־         Ability to supervise a staff of subordinate analysts and clerical personnel.


־         Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with staff and program officials.


־         Ability to prepare detailed written reports and procedures.


־         Ability to support recommendations both orally and in writing with individual program managers and other affected personnel.


־         Ability to select and/or devise analytical techniques and methods suited to the solution of a management problem.


־         Ability to conduct interviews and establish and maintain effective relationships.


־         Ability to use the techniques and methods of administrative analysis.


־         Ability to define program needs to computer systems analysts and computer programmers.




            One year of permanent service as a Senior Administrative Analyst.




Reviewed:  7/04





NOTE:  Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.  Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class.  The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written.  Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.