Department of Civil Service Announces
Promotion Examination Open to State Employees

The announcement of this examination is hereby amended:

Written Test To Be Held
January 22, 2005 AND
Promotion Test Battery Score
Applications MUST Be
Postmarked No Later Than:

December 13, 2004

archived statement
This is an Archived Announcement.
The application filing date has passed.

Examination Number and Title
06-479010 Community Service Center Manager 3
06-480010 Community Service Center Manager 4
06-477010 Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 3
06-478010 Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 4

Minimum QualificationsSubject of ExaminationHow to Apply

Promotion Examination Open To
All Qualified Employees of the New York State Department of Labor
(exclusive of the Workers' Compensation Board and the State Insurance Fund)

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: On or before January 22, 2005, you must be a qualified employee of the New York State Department of Labor and have had three months of permanent competitive or 55-b/55-c service as follows:

For Numbers 06-479010 and 06-477010, as a:

Assistant Chief of Unemployment Insurance Internal Security
Assistant Coordinator Apprentice Training
Assistant Director Labor Special Investigations
Associate Employment Services Representative
Associate Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative
Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist
Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist (Quality Control)
Associate Unemployment Insurance Investigator
Associate Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner
Coordinator Apprentice Training
Community Service Center Manager 1
Community Service Center Manager 2
Deputy Veterans Program Administrator
Director Rural Labor Services
Employment & Training Fiscal Auditor 2
Employment & Training Fiscal Auditor 3
Employment Security Manager 2
Employment Security Manager 4
Immigration Services Program Manager
Labor Program Administrator
Principal Employment Consultant (Testing)
Principal Occupational Analyst
Rural Employment Supervisor
Senior Employment Consultant (Counseling)
Senior Employment Consultant (Testing)
Supervising Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative
Supervising Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner
Unemployment Insurance Accounts Support Supervisor 2
Unemployment Insurance Accounts Supervisor
Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board Manager
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Spanish Language)
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 2
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 2
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 3
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 4
Veterans Program Coordinator
Workforce Programs Manager 1
Workforce Programs Specialist 3
Workforce Programs Specialist 3 (Spanish Language)

For Numbers 06-480010 and 06-478010, as a:

Assistant Chief of Unemployment Insurance Internal Security
Assistant Coordinator Apprentice Training
Assistant Director Labor Special Investigations
Coordinator Apprentice Training
Community Service Center Manager 1
Community Service Center Manager 2
Community Service Center Manager 3
Deputy Veterans Program Administrator
Director Rural Labor Services
Employment and Training Fiscal Auditor 3
Employment and Training Fiscal Auditor 4
Employment Security Manager 4
Immigration Services Program Manager
Principal Employment Consultant (Testing)
Principal Occupational Analyst
Senior Employment Consultant (Counseling) - NOT QUALIFYING*
Senior Employment Consultant (Testing) - NOT QUALIFYING*
Supervising Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative
Supervising Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner
Unemployment Insurance Accounts Supervisor
Unemployment Insurance Accounts Support Supervisor 2
Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board Manager
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Spanish Language)
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 2
Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 3
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 3
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 4
Unemployment Insurance Tax Auditor 5
Unemployment Insurance Tax Upstate Regional Director
Workforce Programs Manager 1
Workforce Programs Manager 2

* Announcment Amended 12/5/04

If you were permanently appointed to a qualifying title on or before October 22, 2004, and have served continuously in this title since that date, you are eligible to file for this examination.

QUALIFYING EXPERIENCE FOR APPOINTMENT FROM THE ELIGIBLE LIST: After one year of the service described in the minimum qualifications, successful candidates will be qualified for appointment from the eligible list.

SUBJECT OF EXAMINATION: The examination consists of meeting the minimum qualifications on or before January 22, 2005, taking any previously held Mid Level Managers and Administrators Promotion Test Battery, or the April 2, 2005 holding, and an additional written test to be held January 22, 2005.

NOTE: All candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and who participated in the Mid Level Managers and Administrators Promotion Test Battery, or who expect to compete in the Mid Level Managers and Administrators Promotion Test Battery in April 2005 are eligible regardless of their score on the Battery test. Candidates intending to take the April 2005 Promotion Test Battery must apply separately for that test when it is announced in December 2004.

Final scores will be computed by equally weighting your score of 70 or higher on the additional written test and your best score on the Mid Level Managers and Administrators Promotion Test Battery. If you pass, your seniority credit(s), if any, will be included in the computation of your final score. Rank on the eligible list will be determined after adding any wartime veterans' credits to your final passing score.

The additional written test will be held on January 22, 2005. It will be designed to test for knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in areas such as:

For Examination Numbers 06-477010 and 06-478010:

  1. Knowledge of Call Center Management and Operations – These questions will test for a general knowledge of call center management policies and operating principles which may include, but are not limited to: customer service, staff utilization, and reports analysis including identification of trends and problems.*
  2. Laws, rules and regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Law, including policies and procedures of the Department of Labor – These questions will test for Federal and New York State Unemployment Insurance Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of the Department of Labor pertaining to eligibility and entitlement. Questions may include, but are not limited to, such areas as: precedents, policies, appeals process, fraud control, federal standards, and interstate programs.

For Examination Numbers 06-479010 and 06-480010:

  • Educating and interacting with the public – These questions test for a knowledge of techniques used to interact effectively with individual citizens and/or community groups, to educate or inform them about topics of concern, to publicize or clarify agency programs or policies, to negotiate conflicts or resolve complaints, and to represent one's agency or program in a manner in keeping with good public relations practices. Questions may also cover interacting with others in cooperative efforts of public outreach or service.
  • Policies and Procedures Relating to the Provision of Employment and Reemployment Services Programs – These questions will test areas which may include, but are not limited to: labor exchange, Periodic Eligibility Employment Review (PEER), and monitoring and support of unemployment insurance claimants in their efforts to become reemployed.
  • Knowledge of Wagner Peyser and TANF funded programs, including employer services programs – These questions will test areas which may include, but are not limited to: employer services, human resources consulting, job matching, maintenance of America's Job Bank and America's Talent Bank, and services to veterans, to youth, to welfare recipients, to migrant and seasonal farm workers, and to dislocated workers.
  • Knowledge of Workforce Investment Act Implementation, Policies and Procedures – These questions will test areas which may include, but are not limited to: legislation, goals, objectives, issues, operations, programs and problems pertaining to the implementation of the Workforce Investment Act.

*Information on Call Center Management and Operations can be found in commercially available references such as Call Center Management on Fast Forward by Cleveland and Mayben, Call Center Press Publisher, ISBN-0-9659093-0-1.

CREDIT FOR SENIORITY: Seniority is credited at the rate of one credit for each five-year period (or fraction thereof) excluding the first year of service.

apply information
This is an Archived Announcement.
The application filing date has passed.


ELIGIBILITY FOR EXAMINATION: To be eligible to compete in this examination, you must be employed in the specified department or agency on a permanent or contingent permanent basis in the competitive class, or in the non-competitive class or labor class if specifically noted on this announcement (or be on an appropriate preferred list), and have the specified time in the specified title or salary grade. You may not compete in a test for a title if you are permanently employed in that title (unless you are still on probation) or in a higher direct line of promotion.
ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION: Notice to appear for the test may be conditional as review of applications may not be made until after the test. If you have not received your notice to appear for the written test three days before the date of the test, call (518) 457 5483 if taking the test in Albany; (518) 457-6556 for New York City Test Center; (518) 457 7022 for all other Test Centers.
NEW YORK STATE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or arrest and/or criminal conviction record unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification or other exception.
RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION: Most written tests are held on Saturdays. If you cannot take the test on the announced test date, due to a conflict with a religious observance or practice, check the box under "Religious Accommodation." We will make arrangements for you to take the test on a different date (usually the following day).
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS IN TESTING: In addition, it is the policy of the Department of Civil Service, in accordance with the New York State Human Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, to provide qualified persons with disabilities equal employment opportunity and equal opportunity to participate in and receive the benefits, services, programs, and activities of the Department. It is the policy of the Department to provide such persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications as are necessary to enjoy equal opportunity. Persons with disabilities who require an accommodation to participate in an examination must note this on their applications. Further information is available from the Special Arrangements Unit of the Department of Civil Service at (518) 457-3416 or TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) (518) 457-8480.
MULTIPLE EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULED FOR THE SAME DAY: With the exception of written tests announced by New York City, if you have applied to take a written test announced by a local jurisdiction (county, town, city) scheduled to be held on the same test date as this written test, you must call (518) 457-7022 no later than two weeks before the test date to make arrangements for taking all tests at one test site. All tests will be held at the State examination center.
S4/TB1 CDT-dmb
Issued: 11/05/04

You May Obtain Announcements From Your Agency Personnel Office
To Participate In This Examination You MUST Apply On The Internet
Or By Telephone Or By Application Card
See "How to Apply" Above

This announcement is subject to amendment or cancellation without notice.
Do not copy it, or post it to any other site, but link to it instead.