Occ. Code 0100500
0100500 |
0100600 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Specification
Account Clerks supervise and perform varied work necessary to the fiscal or business management of State agencies or to fiscal transactions with local agencies. Positions which are predominantly concerned with certain specialized aspects of account keeping (purchasing, payroll, calculating) are classified in other appropriate specialized series.
The work requires familiarity with the State Finance Law, the Comptroller's rules and regulations, methods of appropriation accounting, principles of bookkeeping, and the State Code of Accounts (the numerical classification of account titles).
Levels within the series are based on supervisory responsibility; the volume, difficulty, and complexity of the accounting records kept; and the amount of independent judgment exercised in the application of methods to particular problems.
Positions in the Office of the State Comptroller which pre-audit the disbursements of State departments, institutions, and agencies are classified in the Audit Clerk Series, 0102500. Positions requiring professional knowledge of accounting theory and methods are classified in the Accountant Series, 0200000.
PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT CLERK supervises the maintenance of account books and financial records and may maintain the general books which control all financial transactions of a small department, state agency, or for special funds, or may serve as principal office assistant to the business officer at a state institution: keeps detailed accounting records; prepares annual budget requests; maintains records of budget requests and estimates of expenditures; prepares budget justifications for maintenance and operation; prepares periodic reports on status of funds; supervises payroll preparation and payroll deduction accounts and time distribution records; balances tabulated totals for payrolls to previously established gross and tentative totals; supervises balancing operations required for registers, and bank reconciliations; is responsible for disbursement books; sets up ledgers from appropriation acts and budget segregations for various accounts; maintains accounts reflecting balances remaining in each account pursuant to the Comptrollers classification of expenditures as prescribed in the Comptrollers rules and regulations; prepares monthly trial balances to ascertain that books are in balance; prepares monthly schedules of the budget status for appropriation accounts showing budget allocation and total expenditures to date, and cash balances; gives advice and assistance in the more complex tasks and problems involved in purchasing; may supervise the maintenance of personnel records; may supervise the maintenance of inventory records. QUALIFICATIONS: One year of permanent competitive service in an account-clerical position allocated to Grade 9 or higher.
HEAD ACCOUNT CLERK is responsible for the maintenance of comprehensive accounting records for a large and complex organization either as assistant to the head or as intermediate supervisor, or has responsibility for all business management activities of a small agency or institution; or is second in charge of these activities at a large institution; or assists the responsible fiscal official of a State department or agency in budgetary activities; personally performs clerical accounting duties of exceptional difficulty; supervises and trains the office staff in detailed and routine work; prepares necessary office correspondence and is responsible for administrative details; directs and coordinates the work on ledgers and the preparation of financial and statistical reports of some variety; supervises the maintenance of general books of accounts, the monthly making of adjustments and proving of accounts; supervises the preparation of departmental budget work sheets and of expenditures of cash estimates; reviews budget requests, and prepares reports, recommendations, and determinations; assists in preparation of budget justifications, and consults with department officials regarding budget requests; prepares budget justifications relating to reallocation and segregation of funds; supervises the preparation of bid proposals, department payrolls, inventory control, personnel transactions, time records, financial reports, and statements; supervises explanations of attendance rules and departmental policy relating to them; plans and reviews office functions, procedures and methods; attends meetings and conferences relative to departmental fiscal affairs; reviews and approves positions, acquisitions, payments for materials and services travel requests and payments; advises line officers regarding acquisition sources; supervises the maintenance of department inventories; may act as liaison with other State agencies and business representatives and sales representatives concerning department proposals, practices, and policies; supervises maintenance of departmental system of accounts and revenues; supervises preparation of fiscal reports, charts, and forecasts; may be responsible for maintenance of buildings, wards, and facilities in an institution, and may also be responsible for preparation and service of food, and maintenance and repair of supplies and equipment; compiles statistics and makes computations for debt service requirements; may coordinate the operations and schedule the work of the examination of reports submitted to an organization; may supervise a program of time distribution coding and evaluation; may supervise the collection and deposit of monies; may verify certificates of deposit and special charge vouchers prepared in an agency; may supervise trust funds; may direct capital construction and rehabilitation projects; may maintain control over various bank accounts; may record and maintain control over departmental revenue including examination and assessment charges. QUALIFICATIONS: One year of permanent competitive service in an account-clerical position allocated to Grade 14 or higher.
Reviewed: 8/02
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.