Occ. Code 0451800
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
The Chief Health Bureau directs the operation of the Health Bureau in the review of policy forms, contracts, premium rates, underwriting, marketing, and general claims practices, and consumer inquiries and complaints for individual and group products in the following categories: accident and health; franchise accident and health; credit accident and health; disability income; life care community contracts; long term care insurance; Medicare supplemental insurance; New York Disability Benefits Law coverage; preferred provider organizations; fraternal benefit societies; municipal cooperative health benefit plans; continuing care retirement communities; and contracts issued by health maintenance organizations, integrated delivery systems, and managed long term care plans.
The position exists only at the Department of Financial Services in the Health Bureau.
Chief Health Bureau: oversees the Health Bureau and deals with the most sensitive and difficult issues in health insurance products.
Directs the review and examination of policy forms and contracts submitted by insurers and other organizations that do insurance business in New York State to determine if they are in compliance with the Insurance Law, Rules, and Regulations, and, where applicable, other State and federal laws and regulations; oversees the development of new and innovative forms of insurance coverage, underwriting, and rating methodologies; ensures the proper conduct of field examinations and market conduct investigations of insurers and entities regulated by the Bureau; monitors the Bureaus participation in the legal regulatory function of health insurance products; oversees the preparation of legal briefs and opinions for administrative hearings relating to the disapproval of policy forms and contracts and disciplinary action against insurers, agents, and brokers; represents the Department at administrative and public hearings; advises staff on matters regarding the Insurance Law, Rules, and Regulations; analyzes the impact of State laws or rules and regulations of other agencies on health insurance products; manages the Bureaus legislative program; communicates with State and federal legislators regarding Insurance Law, product regulation of accident and health policies, and insurer marketing, underwriting, and claims practices and any related legislation; implements revised Bureau policies and procedures; oversees the Bureaus staff; and prepares its annual budget and the Bureaus contribution to the Superintendents Annual Report to the Legislature.
One year of service as a Chief Insurance Examiner 2, Chief of Accident and Health Insurance Rating Section, Chief Life Actuary 2, or Chief Casualty Actuary 2; or two years of service as a Chief Insurance Examiner 3, Chief Insurance Policy Examiner, Chief Life Actuary 3, or Chief Casualty Actuary.
Date: 3/12
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent, and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.