1728100 |
1728200 |
1728300 |
1728400 |
Classification Standard
Addictions Planning Analysts develop specific addictions planning activities such as local planning services, needs analysis for licensing and/or development of planning documents. Positions are located in the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 1: entry-level; assists with local government planning services, needs analysis for licensing, developing planning documents or reviewing planned program changes.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 2: full performance level; performs more complex activities such as developing and drafting major issue papers, segments of major planning documents; developing and applying criteria for requests for new program initiatives and program modifications.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 3: first level supervisor; overall responsibility for research and development of major planning documents; may be responsible for the development of long-range and strategic planning; local services planning, policy analysis, New York City substance abuse planning and/or development of needs methodology.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 4: supervises and coordinates the work of assigned sections; assumes responsibility for all assigned activities within their area; functions with a great deal of independence in developing and implementing policy for the agency.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 1: prepares initial drafts of required planning documents under federal and State laws including the analysis of current services; assists in the review of services to special population groups and assists in the development of planning documents to address unmet needs of underserved groups; assists in the design of new program initiatives, works closely with program staff in various parts of the agency to develop and implement new programs or expansion of services in existing programs; provides technical assistance to executive staff in analyzing and developing responses to a variety of issues related to the alcohol and drug prevention and treatment system; coordinates agency plan hearing and public forums held throughout the State on both special interest areas and annual planning documents; prepares issue papers; provides support staff in the identification and applications of successful program models for special populations and the communication of information about these models throughout the treatment community; provides staff support to a variety of advisory boards and multi-agency committees; assists in the development of consolidated application for alcohol and drug certificate changes and mechanisms for changes in reimbursement process; conducts public hearings on the feasibility of new expanded treatment providers in a geographic area; reviews applications for Certificate of Need based on program concepts, needs of services, physical plant, and financial viability of applicant; provides technical assistance to providers on the Certificate of Need process and provides follow-up services as necessary; monitors application recommendations throughout the Certificate of Need process and provides appropriate recommendations as needed.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 2: independently performs more complex duties similar to those performed by an Addictions Planning Analyst 1.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 3: drafts major components of agency planning documents such as the Five-Year Comprehensive Plan and the annual updates of the plan; convenes and chairs internal work groups to identify issues and current trends that need to be researched; convenes and chairs forums or task forces comprised of members of the alcohol and substance abuse treatment community to develop agency policies and agendas for planning services; develops position papers and documents for the Commissioner; plans and conducts public hearings and symposiums bringing together representatives from the alcoholism and substance abuse fields to develop strategies to address major issues; serves as the agency staff support person for interagency committees; develops State planning processes that integrate federal planning requirements with local services planning efforts and with ongoing analysis of program and systematic functioning; assists in developing strategies that provide for the transition of long-range planning concepts into local planning initiatives and are implemented in conjunction with local governments and programs; reviews changes in federal regulations and block grant requirements to ensure that State planning obligations are met; researches background from a variety of both internal and external sources in developing draft position papers for the Commissioner as requested; assists in the implementation of activities outlined in action plans and initiatives identified in agency planning documents, including program model specification, pilot demonstration projects, preparation of guidelines, as well as other related tasks; develops annual local service plan guidelines for the State's local government units and local-designation agencies; analyzes local service plans for inclusion in long-range Statewide planning initiatives; develops information for local governments; provides technical assistance to local providers in areas of strategic planning needs for counties and assists in developing treatment need methodology for alcoholism and substance abuse treatment.
ADDICTIONS PLANNING ANALYST 4: designs the process for the agency's long-range and short-range planning process which integrates federal, State and local planning mandates; develops agency guidelines for Certificate of Need process for the establishment and expansion of alcoholism programs submitted to the Health Department under Article 28 of the Public Health Law; develops a needs analysis and strategic planning related to major identified issues; develops and oversees a substance abuse plan for the City of New York working with the NYC Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Alcoholism and Services; responsible for the development of planning documents for the agency, including the Five-Year Comprehensive Plan, annual updates and specific documents needed to address priority topics; oversees the translation of concepts outlined in the long-range plans into local planning initiatives and ensures that initiatives are implemented in conjunction with local governments and programs and feedback is included in the future planning documents; provides direction to staff in the development of local services planning guidelines under the requirements of Article 25 of the Mental Hygiene Law, ensuring that technical assistance is provided and that work is coordinated with agency budget staff for inclusion of financial support in agency budget submission; provides agency-wide technical assistance in areas of policy development, legislative agendas and need methodology as requested by executive staff; serves at the Commissioner's direction as the Executive Secretary of the Advisory Council on Alcoholism Services providing technical assistance on proposed new or expanded program recommendations; works with Counsel's Office in developing legislative and executive recommendations involving the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services integrated certificate of need/licensing programs for alcoholism and substance abuse programs; provides direction to staff assigned to the Certificate of Needs and Licensing Services in responding to applications for new programs or expansion of existing programs; coordinates the application and administration of federal grants, ensuring that the appropriate Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services staff is informed about funding opportunities and grant obligations; serves as the Commissioner's designee on inter-agency bodies and committees as needed; and supervises and coordinates work of assigned sections.
Open-Competitive: Bachelor's Degree and two (2) years of experience in addictions service planning. This experience must be in the areas of policy analysis and design; comparative analysis; federal, State and/or local planning; and needs assessment and methodology.
Open-Competitive: Bachelor's Degree and three (3) years of experience in addictions service planning. This experience must be in the areas of policy analysis and design; comparative analysis; federal, State and/or local planning; and needs assessment and methodology.
Promotion: One year of permanent service as an Addictions Planning Analyst 1.
Open-Competitive: Bachelor's Degree and six (6) years of experience in addictions service planning. This experience must be in the areas of policy analysis and design; comparative analysis; federal, State and/or local planning; and needs assessment and methodology.
Promotion: One year of permanent service as an Addictions Planning Analyst 2.
Promotion: One year of permanent service as an Addictions Planning Analyst 3.
Date: 6/08
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.