Occ. Code 2834300
2834300 |
2834400 |
2834500 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Capital Program Analysts are professional positions, requiring specialized training and experience, that develop, analyze, and manage capital programs, projects, and funds needed to support them. These positions are classified only in the main and regional offices of the Department of Transportation.
SENIOR CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: entry level professional; appointees must complete a two-year traineeship; assists higher level professional staff; works with limited independence; may supervise clerical and other support staff.
ASSOCIATE CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: working supervisor with a staff of two or more professional staff; analyzes capital programs, projects and their financing and recommends funding for projects; works with considerable independence.
PRINCIPAL CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: supervises a functional group of two or more units headed by Associate Capital Program Analysts or other professional staff; works independently under the general direction of the Bureau or Program Director.
Budgeting Analysts prepare agency budget estimates, program justifications, work load forecast, and narrative and tabular reports about agency expenditure components and monitor agency expenditures. They work with funds, from a variety of sources, used to implement agency programs. This series is classified in most State agencies.
Transportation Analysts evaluate transportation systems, program and project planning, and project development by collecting and analyzing transportation statistics and other information, develop analytical methods, evaluate existing and proposed projects for their ability to meet transportation objectives and to determine their social, economic, and ecological impact, and prepare reports and recommendations.
Intermodal Transportation Specialists direct, plan, and regulate non-highway transportation systems and determine sources of funding and distribution for airport, water and port, rail, transit, bus, and truck projects and/or programs. These positions are classified only in the main office of the Department of Transportation.
SENIOR CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: reviews individual capital projects against State and federal guidelines to determine eligibility for funding and to evaluate projects according to established criteria; monitors the impact of project changes for their affect on expenditures, advises project staff and managers about problems, and recommends project or program revisions; approves requests to obligate federal highway funds for capital project phases that have been authorized; assists the development and implementation of control and evaluation systems by determining statistical and financial measurements; explains State and federal guidelines; modifies management systems in response to changes in legislation, regulations, and guidelines; and evaluates capital project cost information to prepare budget requests for capital funding.
ASSOCIATE CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: reviews staff recommendations regarding local government agreements for highway and bridge capital improvements and forwards to higher level staff for final approval; obtains State and federal funding authorizations; administers federally funded transportation program, including processing funding, project, and program amendments for approval by federal agencies and conducts fiscal constraint analyses required to maintain federal funding; monitors capital construction encumbrances, contract lettings, and expenditures to ensure compliance with the Department of Transportations fiscal plan, management goals, and contract letting targets; provides technical and policy guidance to regional staff about the capital construction and related programs; reviews capital construction program evaluation criteria prepared by staff; identifies project related cost, schedule, and funding source changes that affect programs, and recommends modifications to resolve those problems; develops systems, methods, and techniques for management control and evaluation of capital programs and projects; and supervises professional and support staff.
PRINCIPAL CAPITAL PROGRAM ANALYST: directs development of the Department of Transportations multi-year highway and bridge capital program and other State and federal programs; assigns staff to projects, reviews staff proposals and project recommendations, and makes final recommendation regarding revisions to proposals; directs staff analysis of the regional multi-year highway and bridge capital program proposals and makes final recommendation to the bureau director regarding the need for revisions to proposals; supervises the analyses that establish regional letting targets for State and federal funds for the highway and bridge capital program; establishes and directs the review of programs and implement modifications to ensure that programs are within parameters established by executive management; coordinates program and project actions, procedures, and approvals with other State and federal agencies; certifies the fiscal constraint of the federally required programs to federal agencies to maintain federal funding: attends and participates in executive management meetings and department conferences to explain aspects of the Department of Transportations highway and bridge capital program; resolves highly complex program and project management problems; directs the design, development, and implementation of management control and evaluation systems, including automated management information systems; supervises professional staff assigned to the program.
Open Competitive: appointment from PCT or PATT list, and successful completion of a two-year traineeship.
Promotion: one year of permanent service in a transportation title at or above Grade 18 directly involved in budgeting, transportation analysis, planning, or program management, modal transportation specialty activities.
Promotion: one year of permanent service in a transportation title at or above Grade 23 directly involved in budgeting, transportation analysis, planning, or program management, modal transportation investigation or inspection, or modal transportation specialty activities.
Reviewed: 4/03
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.