Occ. Code 3508700
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
The position is responsible for ensuring a system of supervision, program development, policy analysis and development, and support services for all special education services across New York State to meet the requirements of federal and State laws and regulations.
One position class; under the general direction of executive staff, directs all programs, activities, and staff of the Office of Special Education; leads the implementation of the Board of Regents policies related to special education programs and services; provides administrative supervision to the Chief Bureau Special Program Review, Managers Educational & Vocational Services Coordination 3, and Chief Special Education Services.
· Advise executive staff on matters of policy, program development, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) accountability system.
· Ensure the integrity of the monitoring system, including the investigation of complaints, for all public and private schools serving New York State preschool and school-age students with disabilities.
· Ensure a system of due process, including special education mediation and impartial hearings.
· Oversee the operation of State Operated Schools.
· Develop a State Performance Plan, Annual Performance Plan, and State Systemic Improvement Plan.
· Develop proposals for State law and regulation, and the development of policy and guidance, to ensure New York State compliance with IDEA.
· Ensure that IDEA funded networks and system of professional development are fulfilling all grant conditions.
· Collaborate with agency offices on projects and initiatives that affect integration and improved outcomes for students eligible under IDEA.
· Collaborate with the Office of Counsel relative to special education litigation.
· Meet with stakeholders and advocacy groups.
· Perform the full range of administrative supervisory responsibilities.
Open Competitive: Masters degree AND seven years of experience in the administration and coordination of special education, consistent with current federal and State laws regarding the provision of programs for individuals with disabilities. Three years of this experience must have been in a management position with responsibility for the development and implementation of policy in the area of required experience.
Date: 10/16
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.