Occ. Code 3511200
3511200 |
3511400 |
3511450 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Positions in this series develop test blueprints (content and process specifications, formats, etc.) for new or significantly revised state examinations and testing programs; provide oversight, coordination and supervision to examination committees and item writers; and perform field and office work in the development, analysis, construction, and administration of educational tests. They may participate in the preparation of Requests for Proposals, evaluation of proposals submitted by contractors, and oversight of work performed by contractors. These positions are only found in the State Education Department.
Levels in this series are distinguished from each other primarily by the complexity of the work assigned and the independence with which duties are performed, including responsibility for the quality and the consequences of the completed work.
ASSISTANT IN EDUCATIONAL TESTING: performs the full range of duties under the supervision of an Associate in Educational Testing or other higher level staff. An incumbent provides expert assistance in developing, analyzing and administering large-scale examinations.
ASSOCIATE IN EDUCATIONAL TESTING: advanced performance or first supervisory level; assignments typically involve complex test development projects presenting greater difficulties in planning and administration. An incumbent leads and independently performs the full range of professional duties, serves as the lead liaison for large and more difficult projects, and may supervise professional and clerical staff.
SUPERVISOR EDUCATIONAL TESTING: second supervisory level; coordinates, directs, and supervises the activities of lower level professional and clerical staff within a region and/or unit.
Provides direction and assistance, both orally and written, in all phases of test development and test administration to Department staff, teacher consultants, school personnel and the public.
Prepares and reviews technical manuals, proposals, and reports submitted by contractors and provides necessary feedback.
Prepares and reviews examinations, answer sheets, and supplementary test materials in assigned subject areas or grade levels.
Arranges and serves as chair for examination committees and committees of school administrators.
Monitors the progress of assigned examinations through the various printing stages, including arranging consultant review, and reviewing items and examinations submitted by contractors.
Maintains and expands a pool of teacher consultants to participate in test development activities in assigned subject areas, including contracting, training, and assigning consultants to perform a wide range of test development tasks.
Develops informational memoranda for school administrators on specific aspects of test administration.
Conducts activities related to the development of examinations, including convening and conducting exam review committee and key consultant committees.
Participates in committee work and scoring sessions to provide knowledge in development of State exams.
Recruits and trains teachers to write questions for assessments.
Reviews and revises questions for field testing.
Manages the work of contractors in the preparation and review of certain aspects of the development of state exams.
Prepares and reviews operational exams, rubrics and supplementary test materials and monitors their progress through various printing stages.
Maintains and expands a pool of teacher-consultants participating in test development activities in assigned subject areas as needed, including contracting, training, and assigning consultants to perform a wide range of test development tasks.
Provides information and assistance related to assessment to school personnel, professional organizations, state and federal governmental agencies and public.
May supervise Assistants in Education Research and other staff.
Supervises the work of a team in the development of secure test materials for all State examinations.
Provides leadership and training to staff in establishing procedures, planning, and carrying out test development activities with contractors for such services as range-finding; artwork; scoring; scaling and equating; standard setting; and item mapping.
Coordinates and participates in quality control processes to ensure the assessment instruments meet established technical standards of clarity, validity, and reliability in accordance with test development guidelines and the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.
Develops legislative and regulatory proposals related to educational testing; prepares policy reports on a variety of topics related to educational testing.
Provides expert assistance to management in developing and implementing policy related to the State testing program.
Open Competitive: Masters degree and three years of experience in a position in which the majority of the duties involved developing, analyzing, or constructing large-scale tests and/or large-scale scoring rubrics; administering various aspects of a large-scale testing program on a professional level, such as the review, analysis, and interpretation of test score data, the development, review and editing of examinations, test manuals, and other test materials; or reviewing or re-rating open-ended responses.
Masters degree or higher in psychometrics, statistics, educational research, school counseling, guidance counseling, tests and measurement, or psychology, and two years of experience in a position in which the majority of the duties involved developing, analyzing, or constructing large-scale tests and/or large-scale scoring rubrics; administering various aspects of a large-scale testing program on a professional level, such as the review, analysis, and interpretation of test score data, the development, review and editing of examinations, test manuals, and other test materials; or reviewing or re-rating open-ended responses.
Promotion: one year of permanent service as an Assistant in Educational Testing.
Open Competitive: Masters degree and five years of experience in a position in which the majority of the duties involved developing, analyzing, or constructing large-scale tests and/or large-scale scoring rubrics; administering various aspects of a large-scale testing program on a professional level, such as the review, analysis, and interpretation of test score data, the development, review and editing of examinations, test manuals, and other test materials; or reviewing or re-rating open-ended responses.
Masters degree or higher in psychometrics, statistics, educational research, school counseling, guidance counseling, tests and measurement, or psychology, and four years of experience in a position in which the majority of the duties involved developing, analyzing, or constructing large-scale tests and/or large-scale scoring rubrics; administering various aspects of a large-scale testing program on a professional level, such as the review, analysis, and interpretation of test score data, the development, review and editing of examinations, test manuals, and other test materials; or reviewing or re-rating open-ended responses.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as an Associate in Educational Testing.
Revised: 7/17
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.