Occ. Code 3552100
3552100 |
3552420 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Brief Description of CLASS Series
Positions in this series review and evaluate programs and grants which assist elementary, secondary and middle school administrators in improving delivery of educational programs and services for academically and economically disadvantaged or at-risk students. Incumbents of these positions monitor school performance in the program area assigned and provide technical assistance and support to schools.
Positions in this series are found only in the State Education Department (SED).
Distinguishing Characteristics
Levels in this series are distinguished from each other primarily by the complexity of the work assigned and the independence with which duties are performed, including responsibility for the quality and the consequences of the completed work.
ASSISTANT IN EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT SERVICES: performs the full range of duties under the supervision of an Associate in Education Improvement Services or other higher level staff.
ASSOCIATE IN EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT SERVICES: advanced performance level or first supervisory level; assignments typically involve larger school districts or broader program areas. An incumbent leads and independently performs the full range of professional duties, serves as the lead liaison for large and more difficult projects, and may supervise Assistants in Education Improvement Services.
Reviews, evaluates and processes school or program improvement plans, district or consolidated grant applications or proposals and supporting materials for federal or State compliance.
· Reviews and evaluates school performance, completeness and accuracy of plans and applications, and compliance and non-compliance issues.
· Seeks clarification, additional information and adjustments; and recommends strategies for compliance with standards.
· Makes recommendations for approval or disapproval of the proposed improvement plan, new or continued grant funding or continued monitoring.
· Monitors and conducts site visits for compliance with the school or program improvement plan or grant administration.
Provides technical assistance to school districts, local education agencies, regional school support centers, other public or private agencies or professional groups for the assigned program area.
· Advises and provides information on federal and State reporting, accountability and program requirements.
· Recommends remedial action as necessary to meet program requirements and ensures correction action for compliance is carried out.
· Develops written materials including guidance documents, letters and reports.
· Prepares and conducts workshops and training for school administrators and personnel.
Recommends policies and procedures to improve monitoring, reporting and accountability of schools to meet agency and program goals.
· Prepares forms, rating instruments, reports and guides to evaluate program area.
· Conducts research and analyzes data to prepare documents to assist management in policy decision making.
Attends conferences and meetings with school officials and serves as liaison between SED and schools.
Master's degree and:
Either 1. three years of professional experience in an education agency or organization working with elementary, middle, or secondary schools in the provision of technical assistance or in the development or implementation of educational programs or educational grants;
Or 2. possession of New York State permanent or professional certification in classroom teaching, administration and supervision, or school service and three years of professional experience in a public school teaching common branch subjects in grades Pre-Kindergarten to 6 or teaching academic subjects (English, a language other than English, mathematics, science, or social studies) in grades 7-12; or professional experience working with students in the areas of early childhood and parent education, guidance counseling, school social work, or attendance improvement/dropout presentation.
Promotion: one year of permanent service as an Assistant in Educational Improvement Services.
Open-competitive: Masters degree and five years of the experience listed under # 1 or 2 for Assistant in Educational Improvement Services.
Date: 7/15
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.