Occ. Code 3567100
3567100 |
3567200 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Brief Description of CLASS Series
Positions in this series perform program administrative activities, quality reviews, and provide technical assistance and consultative services to ensure that the educational needs of children with disabilities are met. They work with school districts, private providers, parents, advocacy groups, and others.
Positions in this series are found only in the State Education Department (SED).
Distinguishing Characteristics
Levels in this series are distinguished from each other primarily by the complexity of the work assigned and the independence with which duties are performed, including responsibility for the quality and the consequences of the completed work.
ASSISTANT IN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: performs the full range of duties under the supervision of an Associate in Education of Children with Disabilities or other higher level staff.
ASSOCIATE IN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: advanced performance or first supervisory level; assignments typically involve broader program responsibilities. An incumbent leads and independently performs the full range of professional duties, serves as the lead liaison for large and more difficult projects, and may supervise Assistants in Education of Children with Disabilities.
Provides technical assistance to school districts, local education agencies, regional school support centers, other public or private agencies or professional groups for the assigned program or regional area.
Provides general information regarding services for students with disabilities to parents, school districts, private providers, and other stakeholders.
Assists in the development of policy and proposed regulations, training, research, data analysis, and preparation of informational materials for special education.
Assist other staff in monitoring programs that provide special education services.
Performs similar duties as Assistants in Education of Children with Disabilities, typically for more complex programs and is responsible for larger programs, school districts, and/or areas.
Provides technical assistance to staff and institutions of higher education on the education of students with disabilities.
Recommends changes in the preparation of teachers of students with disabilities as it relates to applicable laws, regulations and policies.
Develops legislative and regulatory proposals in such areas as special education services to children in non-public schools and child care institutions; prepares policy reports on a variety of topics related to special education.
Reviews proposed State and federal legislation affecting special education and provides in-depth analysis and recommendations to Department managers.
Provides expert assistance to management in developing and implementing policy to ensure compliance with relevant laws, rules, and regulations.
May supervise Assistants in Education of Children with Disabilities and other staff.
When assigned to the Office of State Review, reviews appeals, prepares reports, provides expert advice to the State Review Officers and attorneys, and performs related duties.
Assistant in Education of Children with Disabilities
Open Competitive: Master's degree in special education, reading education, elementary or secondary education, psychology, school psychology, school counseling, guidance and counseling, communications disorders, or speech pathology; and
New York State permanent certification as a teacher of special education; a teacher of the deaf and hearing impaired, blind or partially sighted; or speech and hearing handicapped; or as a school psychologist; or New York State licensure as a speech/language pathologist; and
Three years of professional experience in special education service delivery, administration of special education programs, evaluation for special education eligibility, teaching children with disabilities, or design and/or development of special education programs.
Associate in Education of Children with Disabilities
Promotion: one year of permanent service as an Assistant in Education of Children with Disabilities
Open Competitive: Master's degree in special education, reading education, elementary or secondary education, psychology, school psychology, school counseling, guidance and counseling, communications disorders, or speech pathology; and
New York State permanent certification as a teacher of special education; a teacher of the deaf and hearing impaired, blind or partially sighted; or speech and hearing handicapped; or as a school psychologist; or New York State licensure as a speech/language pathologist; and
Five years of professional experience in special education service delivery, administration of special education programs, evaluation for special education eligibility, teaching children with disabilities, or design and/or development of special education programs.
Date: 7/15
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.