Occ. Code 4000100
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Engineering Aides assist in engineering work by performing basic technical tasks or manual work with a field survey party and providing routine technical assistance to engineers, technicians, and others in an office or laboratory.
Most of these positions are assigned to the main and regional office engineering programs of the Department of Transportation. Other positions are in the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Office of Real Property Services
Engineering Aides are characterized by performing basic technical support tasks under the direct supervision of higher level technicians, surveyors, or engineers. Samples of tasks performed include reducing field notes, tracing maps and plans, collecting field data, assisting in conducting laboratory tests and monitoring environmental quality, recording test and survey data, and holding or positioning survey and test equipment. Typically, Engineering Aides receive precise instructions about the work to be done and their work is checked in progress and upon completion for accuracy, completeness, and adherence to instructions. Problems are generally referred to higher level staff for resolution.
These positions are distinguished from Engineering Technicians by the latter class's assignment to a wider range of engineering support activities and performance of more responsible and complex engineering support activities, such as performing tests at construction sites, checking measurements, tests, and calculations prepared by others, preparing graphic display materials for projects and proposals, and developing and coding information and records for computer entry.
As assigned, performs one or more engineering support activities in support of an agency program. The following activities may be performed singly or in combination and are illustrative of the work performed by Engineering Aides, rather than limiting the assignments of these positions to the activities described.
Assists in preparing contract plans by drafting maps and plans.
Lays out and draws plans, profiles, and details.
· Traces contract plans in final for reproduction.
· Draws or inks in corrections to plans.
· Prepares topographic drawings and simple maps, including reducing and plotting survey notes and cross sections.
· Prepares tables and other supporting documentation.
· Makes and checks simple engineering calculations, such as materials estimates.
· Prepares simple designs of traffic signals and intersection sketches and completes orders for signals.
· Maintains drafting equipment and supplies inventories.
Assists higher level technicians, engineers, and surveyors in conducting field surveys.
· Holds and operates survey instruments.
· Sets targets and chaining distances.
· Records field data.
· Maintains survey equipment.
· Reduces and plots field survey notes.
Assists engineers and technicians in conducting construction inspections by performing simple on-site and laboratory tests, making calculations, and conducting simple inspections.
Assists in preparing maps and diagrams of accident locations, rights-of-way, tax maps, hazardous waste and water treatment sites, etc.
· Edits maps and notes errors.
· Writes narrative desciptions of maps or map features.
· Prepares diagrams and maps of accidents, construction sites, etc. from data collected by others or by site observation.
· Updates maps as features or boundaries change.
· Reviews deeds and other public records to plot deeds and boundary lines.
Assists in research projects by gathering and compiling field data and extracting data from records.
· Participates in field inventory programs, such as identification and location of bridges, billboards, junkyards, water resources, scenic locations, traffic signal equipment, etc.
· Participates in traffic surveys by making manual and machine counts of numbers and types of vehicles and recording lane usage.
· Gathers and transmits data about county, city, town, and village roads.
· Collects data about roads and intersections, such as presence and condition of signs and pavement markings, sight distance measurements, and intersection data.
· Assists in conducting and monitoring laboratory tests.
· Enters data into and retrieves data from the computer to calculate, plot, record, and verify information.
· Locates and extracts data from records and compiles information.
· Plots and verifies data.
Maintains records and files for the unit, including correspondence, maps, construction plans, change orders, project files, manuals, etc.
Engineering Aides have a close working relationship with their supervisors and other staff assigned to projects. Incumbents may have oral communications with staff in other units and the public when participating in research projects and gathering field data, however, the people oriented tasks generally do not constitute the essential purpose and characteristics of this class and, therefore, are not a factor in classifying these positions.
Engineering Aides prepare narrative descriptions and numerical reports, transactions, and forms.
Engineering Aides are supervised by engineers, architects, surveyors, or higher level technicians who make assignments, establish work schedules, provide technical assistance and guidance, resolve problems, and review work in progress and upon completion for accuracy, completeness, and adherence to instructions and procedures.
Engineering Aide is a nonsupervisory class, although incumbents may verify calculations, maps, and other information prepared by others.
· Working knowledge of basic mathematics, including algebra and geometry.
· Working knowledge of drafting and surveying procedures and techniques.
· Basic knowledge of engineering computations.
· Basic knowledge of the commonly used engineering symbols and terminology used in design, construction, surveying, map making, and materials specifications.
· Basic knowledge of engineering tests.
· Ability to understand and interpret technical instructions and dimensional drawings.
· Ability to collect, analyze, and compile simple technical data.
· Ability to prepare and interpret charts, graphs, and tables.
· Ability to prepare simple maps and drawings.
· Ability to reduce and plot field survey notes.
· Ability to perform basic engineering tests and calculations.
Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service in a clerical or technical position.
Open Competitive: Graduation from a standard senior high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma or a USAFI GED certificate (high school level). Applicants may substitute a satisfactory combination of education and/or experience assisting in engineering or related work, at the rate of six months of experience for one year of high school.
Revised: 4/03
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.