Occ. Code 4002300
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Specification
Engineers-in-Charge are professionals responsible for the management of construction activities on site of one or more construction projects. Incumbents provide administrative and management services in areas such as quality and fiscal control, adherence to contract provisions and governmental laws, rules and regulations, and dispute/conflict resolution. These positions are found only in the New York State Department of Transportation Regional Offices.
ENGINEERS-IN-CHARGE: represent the highest level of responsibility that can be carried out by a Civil Engineer 1. Construction projects are evaluated based upon standard criteria: value of project, complexity factors such as location, scheduling, or utility work; type of work such as bridge rehabilitation or replacement, or pavement reconstruction; traffic volumes, and contract administration. Projects that contain three or more of the established criteria are supervised by Engineers-in-Charge. The number of Engineers-in-Charge appointed by a Region and the length of their assignments are a function of the requirements and duration of the projects.
Civil Engineers 1 are characterized by performing duties requiring knowledge of engineering theory and principles and the ability to apply this knowledge in performing professional engineering work in the planning, design, inspection, construction supervision, maintenance and technical review and evaluation of roads, bridges, railroads, airport structures, materials, geotechnical conditions, waterways, traffic control systems and intersections, and related structures and equipment. In addition, they review consultant and contractor plans and estimates and supervise construction inspection teams.
ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE: under the direct supervision of the Regional Construction Engineer, manages construction activities to ensure the quality of construction projects per contract provisions, plans and specifications, at minimal possible cost in adherence to pre-determined schedules by comparing work to engineering standards and contract specs; ensures adherence to federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations by using knowledge of and remaining current on the numerous laws, rules and regulations which relate to the protection of the environment (i.e., noise, dust, erosion control and management of waste and/or hazardous material), Equal Opportunity Employment and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs; ensures general compliance with established safety procedures by reviewing the Project Health and Safety Plan, and making sure an adequate plan is in place prior to the start of work; performs dispute/resolution activities; coordinates activities of contractors, sub-contractors, utilities, local governments and other affected parties to assure contract progress and scheduled completion; authorizes and prepares contract payments on biweekly or monthly basis and, upon completion of work, authorizes and prepares final payment to contractor; authorizes payment to consultants based upon work performed; supervises State and consultant staff and conducts physical inspections and tests of construction methods and materials identifying deficiencies and determining corrective actions.
Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service as a Civil Engineer 1.
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.
Date: 12/01
Date: 12/01