Occ Code 4028031
4028031 |
4028032 |
4028033 |
4029300 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Geologists review, analyze, and investigate geologic data for the resolution of environmental and transportation related concerns. These positions exist primarily in the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Transportation. Field assignments are required for all positions in this series in each agency. Incumbents working for the Department of Environmental Conservation review and analyze geologic data related to investigations of groundwater, water supply, solid or hazardous waste disposal sites. Positions within the Department of Transportation are involved with issues concerning bedrock including slope work, rock outcrop mapping, water wells in rock, investigating rock falls, providing assistance in rock blasting issues, evaluating aggregate sources for transportation projects, reviewing geologic source reports, evaluating engineering properties of aggregates, and conducting aggregate studies and friction investigations.
ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST: full performance level; work is expected to be technically accurate, complete, and in compliance with principles and theories; acts as project manager on less complex projects.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 1: first supervisory level/advanced performance level, supervises lower level Engineering Geologists; serves as project managers for specific work sites and directs all on-site activities; operates with a high degree of independence.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 2: functions as a section head; operates with the highest level of independence; positions are typically located in a central office.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 3: one position class at the Department of Environmental Conservation; manager; oversees regional spill response, major oil storage facilities, and chemical/petroleum bulk storage programs.
Professional Engineers (Civil/Transportation) perform professional engineering work in planning, design, inspection, construction supervision, maintenance and technical review and evaluation of roads, bridges, railroads, airport structures, materials, bedrock and geotechnical conditions, waterways, traffic control systems and intersections, and related structures and equipment.
Professional Engineers (Environmental) perform professional environmental engineering work in areas such as: wastewater disposal, air and water pollution control, hazardous waste remediation, solid waste disposal, hazardous substances regulations, or spill prevention, response and remediation.
ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST: plans and conducts field and laboratory tests for defining geological problems; performs groundwater flow analysis and migration of contaminants; performs rock fall inspections and makes recommendations for remediation and cleanup; performs pump tests to determine well yield and recommends ways to improve yield; inspects and rates rock slopes for inclusion in Rock Slope Rating Database; performs rock outcrop and rock slope mapping with aid of Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) unit and laser rangefinder; performs field inspections of quarries and sand/gravel sources; conducts annual field inspections of permitted facilities to ensure groundwater monitoring compliance; reviews geologic and hydrologic reports submitted as part of permit activities; assists in the preparation of the technical comments detailing geotechnical deficiencies; collects geotechnical field data to ensure quality control of construction activities; prepares groundwater operations and maintenance inspection reports required by Federal mandate; assists in the evaluation of Well Head Protection Plans; assists in the implementation of the Comprehensive State Groundwater Protection Plan and Groundwater Management Plans for New York State; evaluates groundwater resources as part of aquifer determinations; responds to citizen inquiries and provides technical assistance; assists with the preparation or written responses to inquiries from the public; provides technical expertise in the construction of rock slopes; and reviews and evaluates aggregates.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 1: participates in negotiations and technical meetings with consultants and contractors; provides technical expertise to ensure implementation of appropriate site evaluation; prepares case reports and assists in the preparation and presentation of expert testimony and direct material testimony in adjudicatory hearings, in court and in other legal proceedings; works jointly with Professional Engineers (Environmental) or independently in developing detailed work plans and environmental monitoring systems; reviews and provides in-depth analysis of geologic and hydrologic reports prepared for water supply or solid and hazardous waste facility owners as part of permit applications for construction; makes independent assessments of the more complex geologic field conditions; prepares reports and letters summarizing findings, recommendations and directions to other Department personnel, contractors/consultants; prepares technical comments detailing geographic deficiencies that are sent to the permit applicant for response; develops draft permits containing special conditions; participates in geotechnical meetings with applicants and concerned citizens, conducts comprehensive groundwater monitoring inspections and evaluations of groundwater monitoring and geotechnical activities related at permitted hazardous waste management facilities and determines compliance with federal and State regulations; assists attorneys in preparing warning letters, legal complaints, and Consent Orders; identifies appropriate elements of Well Head Protection Plans; works directly with communities and planning agencies providing technical expertise and guidance for groundwater management; may train and supervise subordinate engineering geologists; evaluates, conducts, or supervises blasting operations; designs, evaluates and makes recommendations concerning rock slope stability; prepares specifications and testing and quality assurance procedures for mineral aggregates and investigates problems; evaluates aggregate sources for transportation projects; evaluates the engineering properties of aggregates; conducts friction studies; performs petrographic analysis of aggregate samples; and performs aggregate friction investigations.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 2: drafts new or revised policies and procedures related to geotechnical principles and practices; develops management techniques and guidance for the protection and management of groundwater resources; consults and advises Division, Region, or Bureau Directors on geotechnical/hydrogeologic management programs; interprets, evaluates, and applies Department policies; represents the Department on advisory committees, task forces and other inter-agency activities; serves as technical coordinator of Departments staff for program-relevant training; makes technical presentations to professional societies, municipal governments, industry and the public; directly oversees the activities of Professional Engineers (Environmental) and Engineering Geologists in a wide range of their activities; participates in geotechnical meetings with applicants and concerned citizens; gives expert testimony at legislative and adjudicatory hearings on the technical soundness of the permit application; hosts and conducts public meetings to explain the rationale for the Departments choice of actions and remedies at sites; performs special geological and mineralogical studies; and may act as Bureau Director or Bureau Chief in his/her absence fulfilling all requirements of that position.
PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST 3: provides policy oversight and directs the Region 2s Division of Environmental Remediation staff; develops work plans and program budgets; oversees program managers and conducts performance reviews; directs environmental remediation activities in the States superfund, environmental restoration and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) correction action programs for sites located in DEC Region 2; and represents the agency with representatives of federal, state, and local agencies and the public.
Open Competitive: successful completion of the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) Fundamentals of Geology (FG) examination; or successful completion of 52 weeks of service as a Geologist Trainee and a National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) Fundamentals of Geology (FG) examination.
Promotion: New York State Professional Geologists (PG) license and current registration, and one year of permanent service as an Assistant Geologist.
Open Competitive: New York State Professional Geologists license and current registration.
Promotion: New York State Professional Geologists license and current registration, and one year of service as a Professional Geologist 2.
Date: 9/2019
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.