4812200 |
4812300 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Positions in this series use professional training and skills to provide technical services for the restoration, preservation, and interpretation of privately and publicly owned historic properties, including buildings, structures, landscapes, archaeological resources, and objects. Incumbents conduct structural analysis and prescribe restoration and preservation measures and treatments, evaluate sites and make recommendations for development and preservation, participate in preservation projects, assist in determinations of eligibility for federal and State preservation/rehabilitation tax credit programs, conduct environmental reviews for properties listed or eligible for listing in the federal and state registers of historic sites and advise public and private groups and officials.
These positions are only classified in the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).
HISTORIC SITE RESTORATION COORDINATOR: positions function with considerable independence and are assigned to the Division for Historic Preservation Services at Peebles Island and in regional offices; incumbents conduct environmental reviews for New York State and National Register of Historic Places or eligible properties and make determinations and provide preservation services for private and other publicly owned sites; provide preservation services for State-operated historic sites; and conduct technical reviews for all tax credit projects and historic preservation grant-in-aid projects.
SENIOR HISTORIC SITE RESTORATION COORDINATOR: two-position class; first supervisory level; oversees the Historic Site Restoration Coordinators in their bureau, and provides administrative supervision to positions at Peebles Island.
Interpretive Program Assistants develop and administer comprehensive educational and historic interpretation programs at assigned State historic sites. These activities include determining the themes to be interpreted at a site, identifying potential audiences and determining the interpretive methods that will be most effective for them, and developing and implementing exhibits, special events, educational programs, and other activities to fulfill the site's interpretation.
Historic Preservation Program Analysts perform a variety of program services for private citizens and local and State agencies, as required by Federal and State statutes. This may include researching and assessing historic documentation, evaluating the historical significance of buildings, landscapes, objects, and artifacts, and acting as consultants on projects.
Historic Site Managers manage, supervise, and maintain State historic sites, including buildings, grounds, and collections, and supervise all staff, programs, and activities at those sites.
HISTORIC SITE RESTORATION COORDINATOR: incumbents perform technical review of projects, including determining the existing condition, reviewing plans and construction proposals for compliance with historic preservation standards and programs, evaluating the impact of building codes and other requirements, developing treatment recommendations, monitoring restoration, repair and maintenance for compliance with preservation guidelines and principles, documenting work, and consulting with design professionals, project sponsors, and others to resolve problems; conduct and review research and prepare reports of findings to support projects, including analyzing the historic fabric and treatment methods and techniques and testing the compatibility of treatments; conduct site inspections to determine and monitor the condition of historic properties and preservation and construction projects and prepare reports of findings and documentation; assist other staff in planning and designing projects; provide information to staff and the public about technical programs and standards by developing and conducting training programs, providing technical information, and preparing reports, brochures, press releases, and technical material; serve as a member or leader of project teams; and supervise and train other staff, volunteers, and interns.
SENIOR HISTORIC SITE RESTORATION COORDINATOR: incumbents plan, oversee, and coordinate restoration activities for historic sites; supervise staff engaged in restoration activities; provide technical assistance and advice, including the technical review of architectural proposals, plans, and specifications for grants and projects and compliance with State and Federal historic preservation standards; develop and conduct training sessions and workshops for restoration staff, municipal officials, grantees, and historic organizations about proper maintenance, documentation procedures, restoration standards and programs, planning and design of restoration projects, and interpretation and application of various State and federal regulations and programs; conduct inspections and architectural analysis of sites; consult with other professional staff about complex or unique architectural problems; plan and coordinate restoration activities for State-owned sites, coordinate multi-disciplinary approach to development and restoration projects, and oversee all restoration activities, including work performed by contractors; coordinate grant reviews for proposals, including reviewing and rating applications, monitoring compliance with terms of grants, and assuring compliance with codes and standards, and oversee the performance of technical reviews and certifications for federal tax credits and State grants-in-aid funding.
Open Competitive: Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Historic Preservation or Restoration Planning, Landscape Architecture or Structural or Mechanical Engineering, and two years of experience in a technical or professional capacity working with historic preservation projects.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as a Historic Site Restoration Coordinator.
Revised: 8/16
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.