Occ. Code 6157120
6157120 |
6157200 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Positions in this title series conduct psychiatric examinations of convicted and detained sex offenders nearing the end of their criminal sentence, as stipulated in the Sex Offender Management Treatment Act (SOMTA) and Article 10 of the Mental Hygiene Law, to determine whether individuals suffer from a mental abnormality and require civil management in a secure treatment facility, or release under Strict and Intensive Supervision and Treatment (SIST) in the community. Incumbents travel extensively; provide expert testimony at Article 10 legal proceedings; and conduct a variety of Article 10 related psychiatric examinations. These positions are classified at the Office of Mental Health (OMH), Division of Forensic Services (DFS).
PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINER (PSYCHOLOGIST): full performance level; conducts record reviews, clinical interviews, and psychological testing to determine whether sex offenders require civil management; provides expert testimony regarding case findings at Article 10 legal proceedings; and conducts a variety of Article 10 related psychiatric examinations.
CHIEF PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINER (PSYCHOLOGIST): managerial level; manages, directs, and oversees the activities performed by Psychiatric Examiners (Psychologist) on a statewide basis; and provides clinical and technical direction to secure treatment facilities, the Case Review Team (CRT), and/or SIST providers in the community.
Evaluates convicted sex offenders nearing the end of their criminal sentences to determine whether they suffer from a mental abnormality that predisposes them to sexually offend and require civil management.
Conducts annual evaluations of those civilly confined to secure treatment facilities to determine whether they remain dangerous and in need of confinement.
Re-evaluates those determined to suffer from a mental abnormality to assess their current level of dangerousness pursuant to Article 10 of the Mental Hygiene Law;
Evaluates those in violation of their SIST conditions to determine whether these conditions need to be modified, or civil confinement is warranted based on an individuals current level of dangerousness.
Conducts bi-annual evaluations of SIST respondents to determine whether release or a modification of the conditions of SIST is appropriate.
Administers, scores, and interprets results of actuarial and other standardized risk assessment tools (e.g., Static-99Revised, Violence Risk Scale: Sexual Offender (VRS: SO), Severe Sexual Sadism Scale, Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI), Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), and Stable-2007/Acute-2007).
Interviews collateral contacts (e.g., family members, treatment providers, and social supports); prepares detailed reports summarizing review and evaluation findings for use in Article 10 evaluations, legal proceedings, and by secure treatment and/or SIST community providers.
Consults with DFS staff and other members of the CRT and SIST team to assist in making and validating case outcome decisions; and makes recommendations to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).
Provides expert testimony at probable cause hearings, civil management trials and disposition hearings, annual review hearings, SIST violation hearings, SIST bi-annual hearings, and other Article 10 legal proceedings to explain and defend evaluation findings.
Collaborates with staff in OMH Central Office and secure treatment facilities; community SIST treatment providers; Division of Criminal Justice Services; OAG; the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities; and other State and local agency personnel on sex offender treatment and assessment issues and best practices.
Provides clinical case consultation to staff at secure treatment facilities and SIST community treatment providers regarding appropriate treatment interventions and risk-relevant factors.
May provide training on the assessment and evaluation of sex offenders to other DFS staff and Article 10 stakeholders.
May perform the same duties as a Psychiatric Examiner (Psychologist).
Supervises Psychiatric Examiners (Psychologist) and other DFS staff.
· Plans and oversees staff assignments; evaluates staff performance; and monitors time and attendance.
· Interviews, recruits, and selects staff for clinical review and psychiatric examination functions.
· Develops and conducts training programs related to clinical treatment, assessment, and psychiatric examination protocols for new and existing staff.
· Provides testimony on behalf of psychiatric examiners who are not available and/or able to testify in their assigned cases where an evaluation was completed.
Provides clinical direction, oversight, and guidance for psychiatric examinations, clinical interventions, and release decision-making.
· Serves as statewide clinical and technical expert for the OMH SOMTA program; responds to questions related to review and examination findings; reviews reports and examination findings; and identifies and resolves issues to ensure the appropriate handling of cases and quality of services.
· Provides clinical expertise to OMH attorneys, and prepares clinical staff to provide expert testimony at Article 10 legal proceedings.
· Acts as a statewide resource to Community Supervision Officers and SIST treatment providers supervising, treating, and managing sex offenders in the community.
Functions as a member of the DFS management team.
· Reviews court decisions, recommends changes to clinical review and psychiatric examination processes and procedures accordingly, and contributes to DFS SOMTA program planning and policy decisions.
· Evaluates program operations, develops resource allocation strategies, and negotiates for resources to meet program needs.
· Participates in DFS SOMTA budget development activities.
Open-Competitive: license and current registration to practice psychology in New York State; and one year of pre- or post-licensure experience in the clinical assessment or treatment of a sex offender population; or two years of pre- or post-licensure experience in the clinical assessment or treatment of a forensic population.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as a Psychiatric Examiner (Psychologist).
Date: 4/16
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent, and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.