Occ. Code 6506200
6506200 |
6506400 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Specification
ASSISTANT COUNSELS perform difficult professional legal work in the analysis and interpretation of laws related to the work of a State agency and in the development of the agencys legislative program: prepare, assemble and analyze evidence in cases to be heard by administrative bodies; attend hearings; prepare legal memoranda and findings of fact with respect to administrative decisions; personally conduct and direct investigations; assist in the study, review, revision and preparation of the rules and regulations promulgated by State agencies; assist in the drafting and review of proposed legislation; assist in the preparation of findings and recommendations, prepare replies to correspondence on complicated questions of law. Most positions of Assistant Counsel are assigned to the non-competitive or to the exempt jurisdictional classes. Positions assigned to the non-competitive jurisdictional class are allocated to Grade 25 or M-1. Positions assigned to the exempt jurisdictional class are not allocated and the salary assigned is non-statutory (NS). QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have been admitted to the New York State Bar and must have had two years of experience in the practice of law subsequent to admission to the Bar.
ASSOCIATE COUNSELS assist the counsel of a State department or agency or head of a legal unit of a State agency: represent the agency in legal proceedings in all courts including litigation; prepare briefs and legal papers; perform necessary legal research; render opinions and confer with officials on questions of law; confer and correspond with outside agencies on questions of law and procedure; conduct administrative hearings in connection with regulatory proceedings; prepare and conduct hearings involving disciplinary action against employees for misconduct or incompetency; review and analyze records of hearings; supervise the work of subordinate attorneys. Most positions of Associate Counsel are assigned to the non-competitive or to the exempt jurisdictional class. Positions assigned to the non-competitive jurisdictional class are allocated to Grade 28 or M-3. Positions assigned to the exempt jurisdictional class are not allocated and the salary assigned is non-statutory (NS). QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have been admitted to the New York State Bar and must have had four years of experience in the practice of law subsequent to admission to the Bar.
Reviewed: 9/02
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.