Occ. Code 6859800
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
This position supervises the investigation and payment of compensation claims filed by crime victims, or their survivors at the Office of Victim Services (OVS).
One-position class, managerial level; under general direction of higher level executive staff, plans, directs and controls all aspects of processing of all claims statewide; supervises Crime Victims Specialists 1, 2, and 3 and staff.
Holocaust Claims Program Manager assists Holocaust survivors or their heirs worldwide in filing claims against banks and insurance companies to recover assets deposited in European banks, monies never paid in connection with insurance policies issued by European insurers, and lost or looted art.
Assistant Director of Claims supervises Workers Compensation Program Managers 3 within upstate or downstate regions, coordinates activities of centralized claims programs and statewide workgroups, and serves as a high level technical claims processing expert at the Workers Compensation Board.
Crime Victims Specialist 3 plans, coordinates, and directs investigations and payment of compensation claims filed by victims of crime, and performs additional medical and application processing activities under higher level management.
Manage claims processing and investigative functions, including claims intake, new claims data entry and processing, files and records retention, and reopened and protracted claims; review investigations and causally-related ongoing medical billing investigation, reasonableness of medical treatment, processing of independent medical examinations, and payments; analyze and evaluate procedures and policies affecting services rendered to victims; review operations to ensure conformity; review performance of supervisory staff and make improvements; develop and implement staff training; modify and improve forms used in claims processing; review proposed legislation and changes in policy to determine impact on claims processing and recommend changes; render decisions for all awards exceeding the established threshold per OVS policy; serve on the Appeals Panel, conducting appeals where decisions are reviewed on denied or reduced claims upon petition by the claimant, and providing a summary to either affirm or reverse the appealed decision; develop policy for claims processing and update policies and procedures; represent the agency at criminal justice and other meetings; and, approve or deny requests for emergency awards presented by subordinate staff members; and perform the full range of supervisory duties.
Open Competitive: A Bachelors degree and five years of professional experience involving work planning, production and direction of a claims processing staff including two years at a supervisory level.
Substitution: A masters degree in public administration, business administration, criminal justice or a closely related field may substitute for one year of general experience.
Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service as a Crime Victims Specialist 3 or Supervising Medical Care Representative.
Date: 3/18
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those that were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.