Occ. Code 7225700
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Canal Section Superintendent directs all maintenance and operations for one of the seven sections of the State's canal system.
These positions exist only in the New York State Canal Corporation.
Canal Section Superintendents are classified to serve as the highest level non-engineering management position for a canal section, with one position assigned to each section. Typically, each section is divided into three functional work units, Electrical and Operations, Maintenance Shop, and Shore Based Maintenance, each headed by a supervisory position reporting directly to the Canal Section Superintendent. Through these subordinate supervisors, the Canal Section Superintendent supervises between 50 to 100 skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled blue-collar workers in a variety of trades, whose work is supplemented by a large seasonal work force. Canal Section Superintendents also provide supervision and support services to staff on vessels of the floating plant when vessels are in the section for work projects or when vessels are being repaired. In addition to supervisory responsibilities, these positions plan, design, and schedule maintenance projects, coordinate work projects, and determine section work priorities.
The management responsibility of these positions is complicated by several factors unique to the State's canal systems. These factors include the age of the equipment and structures, much of which is circa 1920 or before, the lack of replacement equipment and parts due to its age, the deterioration of structures and equipment caused by constant exposure to water, the variety of operations and equipment found within each canal section, the hazardous nature of repair and maintenance work performed and the need for immediate repair of malfunctioning structures and equipment due to the effect on public safety and users of the canal system.
Canal Section Superintendents are distinguished from Canal Electrical Supervisor, Canal Maintenance Supervisor, and Canal Maintenance Shop Supervisor by those classes being assigned to supervise and plan the work of the functional unit as indicated in their job title.
Supervises the operations and maintenance program for all canal structures, equipment, and channels within an assigned section.
· Plans, designs, and schedules rehabilitation projects, including determining the materials, supplies, equipment, and staff needed to complete projects.
· Reviews and approves seasonal maintenance schedules and programs.
· Determines priorities for maintenance and rehabilitation projects.
· Prepares annual work programs, including determination of resources needed.
· Assures that staff are assigned to operate structures on a 24-hour basis.
· Inspects canal structures and channels periodically to determine condition, assure they are properly maintained, and plan work projects and programs.
· Reviews work reports and program records, noting any problems.
· Coordinates work projects and programs for the units and reassigns staff and equipment as needed.
· Evaluates unit work performance.
Supervises subordinate staff.
· Implements and supervises safety programs for staff.
· Interviews and selects staff for appointment and promotion.
· Prepares employee evaluations and counsels employees about their performance and work problems.
· Recommends notices of discipline and provides documentation.
· Assures that subordinate supervisors provide training for staff.
· Reviews and approves or modifies vacation schedules.
· Conducts first stage grievance hearings.
Performs and supervises administrative and management activities in support of the program.
· Supervises office clerical staff.
· Implements and maintains a public relations program.
· Examines and approves payrolls, purchase orders, and vouchers.
· Assists in preparing the annual budget for the section or division canal programs.
· Investigates accidents, complaints, permit requests, and violations of canal regulations.
· Prepares and reviews reports about program activities.
Canal Section Superintendents have frequent oral and written communication with subordinates and higher level engineering staff to exchange information, plan and coordinate work projects and schedules, investigate and resolve problems, plan and allocate staff and other resources to meet program needs, and review operations. Incumbents have less frequent communication with canal users and the public to resolve complaints, provide information, evaluate permit applications, and investigate complaints and violations of canal regulations.
Canal Section Superintendents receive policy direction, engineering assistance and advice, and administrative supervision from the Canal Division Engineer responsible for the division canal program.
Canal Section Superintendents supervise office clerical staff and a large blue-collar work force by administering section work programs, establishing priorities, reassigning staff between sections to meet project and program needs, coordinating projects and unit activities, interviewing and selecting staff for appointment and promotion, assuring staff are properly trained, assuring staff comply with safety procedures, and reviewing work projects and unit programs directed by lower level supervisors.
· Good knowledge of the principles and practices of supervision.
· Good knowledge of safety procedures.
· Good knowledge of the rules, regulations, and policies governing use of the canal system.
· Good knowledge of work planning and scheduling techniques related to maintenance and operation of the canal system.
· Working knowledge of the operation and maintenance of canal structures and channels.
· Working knowledge of machine shop maintenance and operating practices.
· Working knowledge of the operation and maintenance of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic equipment used in the canal system.
· Working knowledge of construction and rehabilitation techniques and methods used to construct and repair canal structures, channels, and equipment.
· Ability to establish and maintain satisfactory relationships with subordinates, supervisors, and the public.
· Ability to analyze and prepare written reports.
· Ability to analyze program requirements, allocate resources, and set priorities, goals, and timetables.
· Ability to evaluate the condition of structures and equipment, determine maintenance and rehabilitation needs, and plan projects to meet needs.
Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service as an Assistant Canal Equipment Specialist, Canal Electrical Supervisor, Canal Maintenance Supervisor 2, Canal Maintenance Shop Supervisor 2 or Floating Plant Supervisor.
Candidates must also possess a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in New York State at the time of appointment and continuously thereafter.
Reviewed: 4/05
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.