Occ. Code 7946900
York State Department of Civil Service
Assistant Director Correctional Industries Business Development is responsible
for the identification, evaluation, design, implementation, and central
direction during the development phases of potential new businesses, as well as
managerial duties related to facility Waste Management and Agri-Business
programs. The incumbent develops procedures aimed at assisting in the
identification of potentially profitable business ventures; provides a
continuing review of waste production, disposal quantities, and costs by
correctional facilities; and provides direction for Agri-Business operating
This position is classified only at the
Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS).
position class; supervisory; under the general direction of the Director
Correctional Industries and Industrial Training; manages all facility Waste
Management and Agri-Business programs; responsible for development phases of
potential new businesses.
Assistant Director Correctional
Industries Management, is responsible for all budgeting, fiscal, cost
accounting, general ledger accounting, shipping and warehousing, and personnel
and labor relations activities within the Correctional Industries Program.
Assistant Director Correctional
Industries Operations, is responsible for all manufacturing within the Division
of Correctional Industries.
Director Correctional Industries and
Industrial Training, directs the activities and administration of manufacturing
plants at correctional facilities and multi-facility recycling, construction
and asbestos operations.
specific procedures aimed at assisting in the identification of potentially
profitable business ventures.
- Conducts
initial evaluations of projects identified to determine the profit
potential, and whether these projects fall within the goals, legal limitations,
and general capabilities of the Division of Correctional Industries.
- Conducts
on-site evaluations of ongoing programs to determine actual content,
limitation, and productivity potential.
- Re-evaluates
programs on a scheduled basis which do not initially appear appropriate
for Correctional Industries oversight.
- Prepares
detailed recommendations for presentation to Correctional Industries and
agency management.
control of overall program.
- Acquires
responsibility for program management through assignment of this
responsibility by the appropriate Deputy Commissioner.
- Reviews
operational standards and goals, and revises such to ensure that
Correctional Industries standards are met.
- Arranges
for necessary funding increases, training, and staffing needed.
- Works
with facility staff to ensure their understanding of program goals.
evaluation methods for determining program success.
- Works
with staff to develop informational requirements.
- Provides
training of facility staff and necessary hardware and software to ensure
timely and accurate transmittal of information.
- Ensures
that material is presented in reports showing the progress of the
- Develops
a full scale proposal with supporting documentation recommending either
acquisition or abandonment.
- Defends
proposal to the Commissioners executive team.
a continuing review of waste production, disposal quantities, and costs of
- Gathers
data for all sites on types and quantities of refuse and recyclables.
- Gathers
data for all sites identifying all costs associated with waste disposal.
- Provides
review of facility waste disposal contracts for budget and finance
- Identifies
locations and necessary rehabilitation areas for separation and storage of
recyclables in each facility.
- Identifies
equipment and supplies needed to perform adequate source separation and
storage activities.
- Develops
models for differing security level facilities to supervise and carry out
source separation and processing activities.
- Assists
facilities in developing operating procedures and directives for recycling
- Provides
relevant goals and targets for individual facility and DOCCS recycling
quantities and avoided costs.
- Develops
a monthly reporting system for individual facilities to gather data
relevant to waste disposal costs, recycling activities, and calculation of
avoided costs.
- Provides
central budget requests to Facilities Planning and Support Operations to
fund construction and equipment expenditures related to waste management
- Provides
guidance and technical assistance to individual facilities in implementing
comprehensive waste management practices.
and implements organic waste composting programs in correctional facilities.
- Identifies
facilities where composting of organic waste is appropriate in regard to
site, quantity, and potential avoided costs.
- Provides
technical guidance to facilities to implement composting activities
regarding methodology, siting, equipment, and operations.
- Develops
central budget requests for Facilities Planning and Support Operations for
construction and equipment to implement effective organic waste composting
- Monitors
the quality and quantity of composting activities to improve cost
- Provides
liaison with regulatory agencies and DOCCS facilities for waste management
direction, design, and funding for regional DOCCS secondary material processing
- Identifies
areas of the State where regional processing of DOCCS secondary materials
is warranted and provides significant cost avoidance and revenue
- Identifies
individual facilities where processing of recyclables is warranted due to
distance from markets, quantities produced, or cost avoidance potential.
- Prepares
central budget requests to provide equipment and facility modifications to
implement regional and facility processing activities.
- Identifies
and secures markets for DOCCS processed recycled materials.
- Coordinates
transportation of recyclables between DOCCS facilities and to markets.
- Provides
ongoing technical assistance for processing centers to augment the value
of materials processed and increase efficiency.
- Develops
a reporting system for processing centers.
the purchasing practices of DOCCS, the Office of General Services (OGS), and
Correctional Industries to encourage the use of recycled, recyclable, and
reusable equipment and supplies.
- Provides
technical information for the purchase of recyclable materials in food
service, office products, copying equipment, and bulk quantities.
- Stays
informed of new developments in reusable, recyclable, and recycled
education and training for facility staff, offenders, and central office
personnel to enhance the effective implementation of waste management
- Develops
a training program for individual facilities to share with all facility
staff and offenders detailing the global, economic, and local impact of
recycling and waste management.
- Serves
as a resource for facility training days and special events.
- Maintains
a database for use with individual facilities and in Central Office
reports containing information documenting the efficiency of the DOCCS
waste management initiative.
- Conducts
annual HUB recycling meetings to update and address concerns of individual
facilities in all HUBs.
- Consults
with individual facilities to address concerns and problems related to
waste management activities.
- Produces
monthly and annual reports for use by DOCCS, Correctional Industries, OGS,
the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the Division of the
Budget (DOB), and other agencies to document the effectiveness and
progress of the waste management program.
- Stays
informed of developments in waste management technology, regulations, and
practices through periodicals, professional meetings, professional
associations, and voluntary advisory boards.
explores opportunities for DOCCS to provide assistance, labor, and expertise to
agencies, municipalities, and educational institutions in waste management
- Attends
speaking engagements to promote DOCCS programs to the general public and
other agencies.
- Cooperates
with municipalities to enhance waste management and recycling activities.
- Develops
guidelines for DOCCS participation in cooperative waste management
- Serves
as a liaison between DOCCS and regulatory agencies concerning waste
management including DEC, the federal Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), and the Department of Health (DOH).
- Serves
on voluntary advisory committees to gain insight into public policy and
waste management research, such as Cornell University Waste Management
Institute, Cornell Compost Club, Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency,
and the Department of Economic Developments Office of Recycling Market
long range strategies for DOCCS farm operations that can be translated to daily
operations for efficient production of farm products.
- Completes
and updates a long range objective statement for operating Agri-Business
- Develops
an annual business plan with production, economic, and physical plant
objectives for the DOCCS Agri-Business program.
- Conducts
semi-annual site visits and evaluations for each operating unit.
- Selects
and implements a computerized farm management system to analyze
production, costs, and labor efficiency.
- Provides
ongoing assistance and guidance to facility personnel and farm management
staff in daily operations.
training and guidance for farm personnel to utilize current production and
cultural practices in order to produce farm commodities competitively with the
private sector.
- Develops
annual goals and targets for the production units in the areas of milk,
beef, and vegetable production.
- Develops
a monthly reporting system and database to provide regular production and
inventory reports for Main Office, DOB, and DOCCS budget and finance
- Provides
semi-annual training events for farm managers and relevant administrative
staff to keep them abreast of current issues and provides in-depth
technical training for increased production.
- Provides
current technical information for farm staff through participation in
Cornell Cooperative Extension and other organizations.
- Consults
with professionals in the areas of animal health, nutrition, crop
production, and equipment.
- Provides
coordination of the processing and distribution of DOCCS farm processing
and distribution of DOCCS farm products throughout the State.
central direction for the operating units in administration of farm units and
serves as a liaison with Main Office.
- Develops
suggested civilian and offender staffing levels for all units to provide
adequate seven-day coverage of milking and crop activities.
- Develops
offender wage and training incentives.
- Works
with Classification and Movement to supply adequate offender staffing for
all units.
- Encourages
Farm Managers to attend relevant training opportunities for increased
production and improved management efficiency.
- Develops
an equipment replacement schedule and submits annual central budget
- Surveys
physical plant needs and develops annual central budget requests for
rehabilitation and new construction.
- Initiates
and supervises a milk processing plant upgrade program for all facilities.
- Maintains
a database providing accountability for Agri-Business enterprises and
provides economic reports to indicate profit and loss positions.
- Develops
adequate funding support for farm operations.
- Provides
leadership for new initiatives in the Agri-Business program.
- Serves
as a liaison between DOCCS and regulatory agencies.
Competitive: a bachelors
degree and ten years of progressively responsible management experience, of
which three or more years must have dealt with the start up of new business
enterprises and the evaluation of their profitability.
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate
the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they
describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be
appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those
which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was
written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current
information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or