Occ. Code 8161110
8161110 |
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 2, Grade 23 |
8161200 |
8161400 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Positions in this series oversee a coordinated network of local advocacy programs to receive, investigate and resolve complaints and concerns of residents in long term care facilities, assisted living residences and in family homes to improve the quality of life and care of the elderly. They provide technical assistance and training to area agencies on aging and qualified organizations maintaining long term care ombudsman programs.
Positions in these classes are found only in the State Office for the Aging.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 1: full performance level; provides oversight, technical assistance and training to local long term care ombudsman programs.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 2: supervises Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialists 1.
Director Long Term Care Advocacy: one-position class, non-competitive jurisdictional classification; manages and directs the activities of the States Long Term Care Ombudsman Program and related long term care advocacy programs.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 1
Maintains a network of local long term care ombudsman programs designed to handle complaints or concerns made by, or on behalf of, residents of long term care facilities (i.e., nursing homes, adult homes, assisted living residences and family type homes), thereby improving the quality of life and care of the institutionalized elderly.
§ Develops agreements with local programs to visit, collect data, and advocate for the elderly pursuant to the federal National Ombudsman Reporting System.
§ Provides or coordinates statewide certification training for local ombudsman program coordinators and ombudsman volunteers, including developing and updating training curricula, manuals and materials.
§ Develops and supplies training materials on program and data collection responsibilities; long term care facility visitation procedures and resources; reporting on elder abuse and neglect; and roles of the agencies to improve quality of life and care for the elderly under federal and State law.
Provides technical assistance to area agencies on aging, other organizations that are operating long term care ombudsman programs, individuals or their relatives with questions or concerns pertaining to long term care and advocacy issues for the elderly.
§ Analyzes ombudsman program data to identify complaint trends, and makes recommendations for ombudsman training, consumer education, and advocacy strategies to improve the health, safety, welfare and rights of long term care residents.
§ Prepares and conducts presentations for residents, families, community groups, provider organizations, professional associations, State agencies and others about the ombudsman program, elder rights, and long term care issues.
§ Monitors and evaluates local programs and/or long term care facilities for conformance with federal and State laws and regulations through on-site visits and prepare written assessment reports.
Identifies and makes recommendations on laws, regulations and actions impacting the health, safety, welfare and rights of residents of long term care facilities.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 2
Collaborates with area agencies on aging and other groups to support long term care ombudsman program operations in the State.
· Assigns subordinate staff to address programmatic issues with local ombudsman programs, area agencies on aging, and long term care ombudsman sponsoring agencies;
· Monitors and evaluates local providers for conformance with federal and State regulations concern long term care programs;
· Develops and implements statewide certification training for local ombudsman program coordinators and volunteers, including developing and updating training curricula, manuals and materials.
· Prepares and conducts presentations for residents, families, community groups, provider organizations, professional associations, State agencies and others about the ombudsman program, elder rights, and long term care issues.
Supervises Long Term Care Advocacy Specialists 1
· Prepares employee work plans and employee evaluations, identifies staff development needs, establishes work priorities and deadlines, and approves time and attendance;
· Advises staff on legislation and program policy to address programmatic issues with local ombudsman programs, area agencies on aging and long term care ombudsman sponsoring agencies.
Assists the Director Long Term Care Advocacy with the administration of the States long term care ombudsman programs.
· Plans and conducts research on various long term care issues.
· Proposes position papers and policies concerning laws, regulations and actions impacting the health, safety, welfare and rights of residents of long term care facilities.
· Writes and disseminates periodic reports about program activities and initiatives.
· Analyzes program data and works with long term care program staff to identify complaint trends.
· Plans and implements special projects and initiatives related to residents rights, resident councils and citizen advocacy groups, facility closure and resident relocation.
Director Long Term Care Advocacy
Plans, manages, and directs all activities of the Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, and related long term care advocacy programs.
§ Oversees the coordinated system of advocacy services to investigate and resolve residents complaints and protect residents health, safety, welfare, and rights through State and local long term care ombudsman programs.
§ Identifies actions which adversely affect the health, safety and welfare, or rights of residents living in long term care facilities, and coordinates the corresponding advocacy strategies and response activities to State and local programs.
§ Evaluates the effectiveness of State and local ombudsman programs.
Develops and implements policy, regulations, guidelines and standards pertaining to residents in long term care facilities and local ombudsman programs across the State.
§ Analyzes and makes recommendations on the development and implementation of federal, State and local laws and regulations and other governmental policies and actions pertaining to residents of long term care facilities and to promote long term care residents' health, safety, welfare and rights.
§ Establishes and reviews policy to improve the capacity to handle complaints by expanding current programs, developing new programs and recruiting volunteers.
§ Prepares policy papers and grant proposals regarding residents of nursing and adult homes and assisted living residences.
§ Facilitates public comment on laws, regulations, policies and actions related to long term care facilities.
Directs and oversees the training, technical assistance and materials provided to local ombudsman coordinators and ombudsman volunteers and implements local service program monitoring protocols.
§ Designs and reviews training curriculum and certification program provided to local ombudsman volunteers.
§ Oversees the technical assistance provided to ombudsman coordinators throughout the State.
§ Develops and implements a local program reporting system to evaluate outcomes and ensures the reports are submitted on a timely basis.
§ Coordinates and supervises local program monitoring protocol visits to uncover early warning signs that a facility may be in jeopardy of no longer providing quality care to its residents.
Supervises, trains, and evaluates subordinate staff.
§ Establishes work priorities for projects and assignments to ensure optimal use of staff and resources to attain short- and long-term objectives.
§ Conducts regular staff meetings, reviews work activities and reports and assists staff in resolving problems.
§ Ensures staff is properly trained on areas of technical assistance, training and monitoring of local ombudsman programs and long term care facilities.
§ Interprets laws, regulations and policies for staff.
§ Evaluates performance and ensures that staff is performing assignments according to agency standards.
Represents the agency at meetings, conferences and work groups related to the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, and related long term care advocacy events.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance SPECIALIST 1
Open Competitive: four years of experience in public benefit programs that primarily affect the institutionalized elderly, including: experience as an advocate on behalf of the rights of elderly residents of institutional facilities; experience in training or the coordination of training; and experience coordinating volunteers of community-based groups or facilities.
Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 2:
Promotion: one year of service as a Long Term Care Advocacy Assistance Specialist 1.
Director Long Term Advocacy
Non-Competitive: Bachelor's Degree in human services or social sciences; AND eight years of experience in programs for older adults. Four years of this experience must have been directly involved in long term care facilities; two years advocacy experience in the human services field; and two years supervisory experience.
A Master's Degree may be substituted for one year of the general experience.
Revised: 11/10
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.