Tentative Classification Standards issued by the Division of Classification & Compensation are shared with the operating agencies of State government for their consideration and comment. Accordingly, this document that you are viewing is subject to change and will be issued in final form at the completion of the review period.
Occ. Code 8171200
York State Department of Civil Service
Positions in this title series are responsible for
providing counseling service to aid inmates in making effective adjustment to
facility education programs. Incumbents work with inmates and staff to develop
individual educational and vocational programs and ensure that these programs
are directed toward inmate projected goals upon release.
These positions are classified in the Department of
Correctional Services (DOCS). Incumbents at DOCS assist in the total care and
confinement of inmates sentenced to the custody of the department. All
incumbents perform various duties and functions in conjunction with the overall
operation of a facility and/or location to which they are assigned.
EDUCATION COUNSELORS: take part in the assessment and analysis of the
educational and vocational needs of inmates; work directly with inmates to
ensure all issues are appropriately addressed so that inmates are better
prepared to function in society in a post-corrections environment.
Correction Counselors apply social casework
principles to the social, educational and vocational rehabilitation of inmates
in correctional facilities. Incumbents guide and assist inmates in their
adjustment to their new environment, encouraging them to upgrade their
educational and vocational skills and to modify their behavior in order to prepare
them for eventual release into the community.
Facility Parole Officers apply social casework
techniques to work on a variety of issues related to the release of inmates
from correctional facilities, performing functions that include: the assignment
and review of caseloads and interviewing of inmates; creation and
implementation of discharge activities to help inmates with the release and
reintegration into communities; preparation of summary reports for the Parole
Board; coordination with community-based parole staff, the development of a
final discharge and supervision plan; and any other administrative duties
associated with the release of inmates from incarceration.
Meet with inmates to gather information about
background, interests, and abilities, and provide each inmate with information
about a facility and its programs.
- Obtain and review all pertinent records and
reports, including probation reports, criminal records, and information
concerning family, education, employment, health, and other personal
- Interview assigned inmates to assess their
individual needs, capacities, educational level, family circumstances,
behavioral problems, and aspirations.
- Prepare and present case analyses, recommending
educational, vocational training, or work programs as appropriate.
- Discuss with inmates programs available at a
facility and inmate abilities and desires concerning appropriate
- Periodically conduct a portion of the basic
orientation for a group of new inmates by orally explaining a facilitys
rules, regulations, and programs so that each inmate can understand the
institutions purpose, programs, and population.
Provide ongoing counseling and life skills to
inmates, encourage them to remain in school, assist with positive behavioral
changes, and assist with transitional planning for release or discharge.
- Assist inmates to set goals, meet learning
objectives, and improve life skills.
- Meet with inmates periodically to discuss either
each inmates progress and attitudes or any particular problem within a
facility, and help with the identification and resolution of personal
problems not directly caused or related to facility living.
- Guide inmates by the use of direct or indirect
counseling techniques to identify adjustment and programming problems and
to explore alternative solutions.
- Establish a rapport with inmates to facilitate
the effective use of counseling techniques to help each inmate through a
self-motivation process.
- Act as an intermediary between inmates and
persons or agencies outside a facility to ensure that family or business
matters are attended to. In this capacity, may prepare correspondence for
an inmate, search records, discuss matters with members of a family,
obtain licenses, etc.
- Provide inmates with information concerning
rights and requirements pertaining to veteran status, income tax,
licenses, social security, retirement funds, etc., and ensure that inmates
receive the benefits to which they are entitled.
- At appropriate times and with discretion, inform
inmates of events concerning close relatives or friends which may be
upsetting to the inmate and which may require very careful handling.
- Inform inmates of programs available along with
any special services which may be used in solving a problem.
- Based on the findings, may refer inmates to a
physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other professional for special
help, testing, or diagnosis.
- Follow-up on all referrals to ensure that
services were rendered.
- Record in a prescribed format the results of all
meetings and referrals.
Coordinate interactions with teachers,
administrators, and other relevant facility staff to ensure the needs of
inmates are being met in a positive and effective manner.
- Provide support and technical assistance to
various committees, act as a liaison with other program areas, assist with
the development of education plans for each inmate, and coordinate plans
with other professionals.
- Assist with testing services, including the
administration of standardized tests required for accommodations and
evaluation of student needs.
- Ensure all students are properly placed.
- Work with staff to make sure resources are
available and training is provided on the skills needed.
- Instruct non-counseling staff in the techniques
of counseling by providing appropriate reading material, assisting them,
and providing critiques.
Evaluate, classify, and program inmates.
- Prepare special reports on inmates.
- Assist with reporting data collection, education
plans, enrollments, monthly reports, and referrals.
- Maintain records and may participate in the
update and review of facility procedures and internal controls for purpose
of maintaining facility accreditation.
- May serve as a member of various facility
committees and assist with inmate disciplinary hearings.
Open Competitive: Masters Degree in vocational, rehabilitation, vocational counseling,
rehabilitation counseling, educational guidance, school psychology, or school
Date: 7/09
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature,
extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.
Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately
performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were
required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written.
Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on
minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.