Occ. Code 8371200
coordinator inmate movement, GRADE 22
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Coordinators Inmate Movement provide technical support to the Inmate Records Offices at New York State correctional facilities. Incumbents monitor and review sentence data; develop and revise procedures, guidelines and reporting systems; resolve problems with inmate time calculations; and monitor the calculation of parole eligibility dates and conditional release dates.
These positions are classified at the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) Main Office.
coordinator inmate movement: full performance level; provides technical support to the Inmate Records Offices at New York State correctional facilities.
Correction Sentencing Review Specialists are responsible for working with correctional facility staff to ensure that all inmates in the Department of Correctional Services custody have been provided with accurate release dates. Incumbents are also responsible for conducting regional training seminars for correctional facility staff regarding sentencing laws and for assisting in the preparation of computer programs which calculate inmates release dates.
Correction Classification Analysts develop and maintain inmate programming procedures, and develop policies in reclassification, transfer, and planning systems.
Correctional Services Transportation Coordinators are responsible for coordinating the transportation and movement of all inmates between DOCCS facilities. Responsibilities include scheduling, dispatching, and routing vehicles; record keeping, and development of procedures and manuals; planning and implementation of changes; and serving as the DOCCS liaison for transportation.
Offender Rehabilitation Coordinators apply social casework principles to the social, educational, vocational rehabilitation, and preparation of offenders released to community supervision (parole and post-release supervision) and under strict and intensive supervision and treatment (SIST) pursuant to Article 10 of the Mental Hygiene Law. They: guide and assist offenders in their adjustment to their new environment, identifying appropriate treatment services for offenders with significant problems and special needs (e.g., alcohol and substance abuse, mental illness, medical issues and disability, education, employment and vocational needs, homelessness, family dysfunction, and delinquency); prepare offenders for release into the community by encouraging them to enhance their educational and vocational skills and modify their behavior; develop final community supervision and discharge plans; and ensure that targeted services are identified pre-release and community-based supports are available upon release. They also prepare comprehensive release reports that are utilized by the Board of Parole in the discretionary release decision making process and when establishing the conditions of release. The comprehensive release reports are also utilized by field parole officers during the community preparation investigation phase. They also complete risk and needs assessments for the purposes of offender targeted treatment and programming and preparation for release to community supervision.
Provides technical support to Inmate Records Offices.
Develops and revises procedures, guidelines, and reporting systems.
Acts as a liaison with DCJS regarding Sex Offender Registration.
Coordinates the identification and collection of DNA for inmates meeting the criteria described in the Governors Executive Order 143.
Assists the Director of Inmate Classification and Movement, or Assistant Directors of Inmate Classification and Movement, as needed.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as an Inmate Records Coordinator 1, Inmate Records Coordinator 2, or Correctional Services Transportation Coordinator or any satisfactory combination.
Rev: 7/18
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.