Occ. Code 8607100
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Community Correction Representatives perform activities related to planning, regulating, coordinating, developing, and improving proposed and established probation, community correction, and alternative to incarceration (ATI) programs and services for the criminal and juvenile justice systems. Incumbents provide technical assistance, staff development and training, oversight, management consultation, supervision, and program development services. Positions are classified at the Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (OPCA) within the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).
COMMUNITY CORRECTION REPRESENTATIVE 1: full performance level; assists Community Correction Representatives 2 in performing monitoring, oversight, evaluation, and analysis of probation, community correction, and ATI programs and services for the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
COMMUNITY CORRECTION REPRESENTATIVE 2: supervisory or advanced performance level; plans, directs, and monitors probation and ATI programs and services; trains State or provider agency staff on probation and community correction programs.
CORRECTION REPRESENTATIVE 3: supervisory level; under the general direction
of higher level staff, directs, and supervises a team within OPCA;
develops strategies for providing technical assistance to providers; addresses
more difficult issues and policies that may involve other State agencies, local
governments, contractors, or other providers; and, may implement pilot
Criminal Justice Program Representatives (Administration) at the various levels develop, administer, or supervise initiatives and programs directed toward improving the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement and public safety related activities.
Training Technicians (Police) at the various levels research, develop, and implement law enforcement training programs, from the perspective of law enforcement employees.
Criminal Justice Policy Analysts at the various levels analyze, evaluate, monitor, present, and convey criminal justice and program performance data and trends; analyze criminal justice policy, programs, legislation, and research studies; author and otherwise prepare various related written products; and conduct research for, prepare correspondence to, and provide technical assistance to other governmental agencies.
Monitors, reviews, and provides technical assistance to probation, community correction, and ATI program providers under the direction of a Community Correction Representative 2.
coordinates, and conducts trainings sessions for probation
professional staff including Probation Assistants, Probation Officers,
Probation Supervisors, Probation Directors, and, occasionally, County Re-entry
Task Force (CRTF) and ATI program staff and others.
Researches rules and policies.
Conducts on-site reviews of providers, programs and probation departments; collects information and statistics; and writes reports.
Contacts ATI programs, probation departments, or CRTFs to better understand the programs and services being proposed in the Raise the Age Comprehensive Plans, Annual Probation Plans, ATI Service Plans, or Re-entry Applications in order to complete plan application and/or grant application activities.
Gathers relevant information and statistics to conduct basic review of information supporting critical incident reviews, awarded grants, and/or programmatic/fiscal audit by conducting surveys, contacting probation departments and other programs requesting copies of case documentation, reviewing online resources, reviewing documents prepared by DCJS research, and reviewing reports submitted by probation departments and programs.
May conduct case analysis or critical incident reviews and/or programmatic/fiscal audits.
Monitors program compliance and writes programmatic and fiscal reports.
Performs regulatory oversight functions, and ensures compliance by covered programs and providers with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and contracts.
Reviews probation, re-entry, and ATI applications. This may include 13A ATI applications; Requests for Proposals (RFP) or Requests for Applications (RFA) such as employment, Cognitive Behavioral Interventions or ATI programming; and probation staffing and services funding applications.
Plans, develops, implements, reviews, evaluates, recommends improvements on probation and community correction alternative programs and writes related reports.
Performs regulatory oversight functions, and ensures compliance by covered programs and providers with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and contracts.
Conducts case analysis or critical incident reviews, and/or programmatic/fiscal audits.
Facilitates, tracks, and summarizes work group activities representing state-wide interests in the areas of probation, ATI, and re-entry which leads to changes in program design, development of practice guidance and/or regulatory change.
Assists with the development and review of probation, ATI, or re-entry program plans/applications as well as RFPs, RFAs, and Requests for Information. This may include 13A ATI applications; RFPs or RFA such as employment, Cognitive Behavioral Interventions or ATI programming; probation staffing and services funding applications; Annual Probation Plan and Applications; and County Ignition Interlock Device plans.
Analyzes program assessment results and independently prepares for and conducts onsite action planning at program sites, and/or probation departments which includes making recommendations to program and/or probation department management and staff that enhances fidelity to evidence-based practices and improves outcomes.
Develops training curricula, programs, modules, and materials and conducts training.
Trains probation, CRTF and provider agency staff on probation and correction alternative programs.
Prepares grant applications for probation, ATI and/or CRTFs and, for awarded grants, tracks grant milestone data, coordinates with grant partners, and prepares summary reports.
May supervise lower level staff.
Plans, schedules, and monitors the workload of assigned staff.
Coordinates and supervises the provision of technical assistance to programs.
Liaises with State, federal, and private agencies relative to community corrections programs.
Supervises the preparation of written responses, and prepares written responses, to correspondence and communication regarding programmatic, budgetary, and other issues.
Keeps DCJS and OPCA informed of all issues impacting community corrections program operations.
Negotiates, prepares, and supervises the preparation of specific program operations for implementation and operation.
Coordinates work group activities such as establishing membership, goals, time frames, and tracks the completion of the objectives leading to changes in program design, development of practice guidance and/or regulatory change. Oversees the development and review of draft guidance or rule revision documentation.
Develops probation, ATI or re-entry plans. Establishes time frames, develops the specific components of the plan, submits the plan to Executive Staff for approval, conducts and manages reviews, and tracks responses to and from the submitting programs, probation departments or re-entry programs.
Manages OPCAs involvement in Requests for Information, Applications or Proposals related to probation, ATI, and/or CRTF related programs or services, in collaboration with other DCJS offices
Implements OPCAs application for probation, ATI, or CRTF related grants as directed by Executive Staff. Manages and ensures compliance with the requirements of grants awarded to OPCA.
Coordinates all action planning and technical assistance activities for contracted programs and/or probation departments.
Develops sound and innovative community corrections programming after analysis of current priorities, needs, and deficiencies.
Proposes probation and community correction policies.
Performs the full ranges of supervisory responsibilities over a team or multiple teams of Community Correction Representatives 2, Community Correction Representatives 1, and staff.
Open Competitive: a bachelors degree and two years of professional experience at the federal, State, or local level in a criminal justice/juvenile justice agency or a human services agency, which involved providing services to a criminal justice/juvenile justice population. A master's degree or higher in social work, criminal justice, sociology, psychology, or public administration may be substituted for one year of the experience.
Open Competitive: a bachelor's degree and three years of professional experience at the federal, State, or local level in a probation, parole, or alternatives to incarceration program agency, or a correctional facility, one year of which must have been in an administrative and/or supervisory capacity. Administrative experience must have involved program analysis, planning, development, administration, monitoring, evaluation, or research experience. A master's degree in social work, criminal justice, sociology, psychology, or public administration may be substituted for one year of the general experience. A doctoral degree in one of those fields may substitute for two years of the general experience.
Promotion: one year as a Community Correction Representative 1.
Open Competitive: a bachelor's degree and five years of professional experience at the federal, State, or local level in a probation, parole, or alternatives to incarceration program agency, or a correctional facility, two years of which must have been in an administrative and/or supervisory capacity. Administrative experience must have involved program analysis, planning, development, administration, monitoring, evaluation, or research experience. A master's degree in social work, criminal justice, sociology, psychology, or public administration may be substituted for one year of the general experience. A doctoral degree in one of those fields may substitute for two years of the general experience.
Promotion: one year as a Community Correction Representative 2.
Revised: 5/18
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent, and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.