Occ. Code 8700100
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Correction Officers are responsible for the custody and security as well as the safety and well-being of criminal offenders in State Correctional Facilities, Shock Incarceration Correctional Facilities, Work Release Centers and Drug Treatment Campus. Incumbents are also responsible for offenders requiring mental health services and those who require health care at hospitals or health care centers outside of Departmental facilities.
Correction Officers are sworn peace officers under New York State Criminal Procedure Law, and in specific posts, may be required to carry firearms while on duty. Incumbents must pass firearms qualification testing and must participate in mandatory deadly physical force training annually and for some posts, must participate in tactical training annually. These positions are found only in the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.
Entry level; appointees must complete a twelve-month traineeship. Incumbents work within a para-military type organization where relationships are clearly defined and work is performed under established policy guidelines, rules and regulations of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision and the New York State Correction Law.
On assigned posts, Correction Officers are responsible for the security of the facility, inmate conduct and discipline, and for the enforcement of the rules and regulations governing the operation of the facility and the confinement, safety and general well-being of inmates. The direct responsibility for the maintenance of security and order within the facility combined with the periodic anti-social behavior of some inmates presents a potential for immediate physical harm to a uniformed officer either in the form of a direct assault or in their quelling of disruptive behavior or disturbances among inmates. In emergency situations, such as attempted or actual escapes, disruption of facility operations, or riotous behavior, a Correction Officer may be required to use firearms, chemical agents and other safety and emergency equipment. Correction Officers may be assigned to a wide variety of posts; some of these posts deal exclusively with security at gates, construction areas, wall posts and arsenal areas. Specific special assignments may involve assisting Parole Officers in investigations, surveillance, and arrests of parole violators and subsequent duties in the inter- and intra-State transfer and custody of parole violators or inmates via car, train, bus, or airplane or the transfer of parole violators or inmates to and from Parole Violation Hearings. However, the majority of posts deal directly with the control and direction of inmates, such as in housing, work, recreation, or program areas. In addition to their security responsibilities, Correction Officers are required to actively participate in inmate programs and as part of a multi-disciplinary team, such as shock training or various step-down units; provide outside hospital and funeral escort; and process entrance classifications. A Correction Officer on a special assignment is responsible for maintaining safety and security of all persons and property during the intra-State or inter-State transport of parole violators or inmates via automobile, bus, train, or airplane.
Particular facility programming, housing arrangements and activities require that selective assignments by gender be made for specific Correction Officer posts according to the gender of the inmates committed to a particular facility. Correction Officers who have the ability to speak and understand conversational Spanish may be classified as Correction Officer (Spanish Language) and be required to assist facility management with situations requiring interpretive skills.
In a Shock Incarceration setting, a Correction Officer must be able to perform all of the physical and military skill procedures required of the inmates so as to convey proper discipline required. In a minimum security Work-Release situation, a Correction Officer will be required to process inmates in and out of the facility in accordance with established procedures and ensure that contraband is detected and dealt with according to Departmental directives.
In an outside work assignment setting, a Correction Officer will be required to independently direct and maintain discipline within the work crew or location for which they are assigned.
Community Correctional Center Assistants are classified in minimum security community correctional facilities providing a transitional residence between total confinement and community living for low risk inmates. Incumbents operate, for the most part, without direct supervision and provide security to the center, maintain order within the resident population, and assist in the readjustment of the inmates.
Maintain security at an assigned post and assures proper inmate behavior.
· Direct the movement and behavior of inmates to and from work assignments, schools, dining halls, counseling, interviews, recreation, hospitals, cell blocks and outside the facility (court, funeral, etc.).
· Check inmate passes and record inmates' movements in and out of assigned areas.
· Count inmates and fill out count slips or computer data records.
· Watch for unusual behavior or incidents and report any to his/her supervisor either verbally or in writing.
· Make frequent rounds of assigned areas, inspecting for any damage or abnormal conditions such as broken locks, bars, etc., and checks areas for daily fire report.
· Routinely search cells for contraband and logs any contraband found.
· Routinely search inmates and fill out appropriate forms.
· Monitor a perimeter security post, such as a wall or a gate post, or interior security post, such as a block or dorm-floor post.
· Direct outside and inside crew activities of inmates, as assigned.
· Maintain the security and inventory of all keys, equipment, supplies, vehicles, etc., as assigned.
Enforce the rules and regulations of the Department and the facility.
· Inform inmates of changes in rules and regulations and answer their questions.
· Attempt to stop minor incidents and may take direct action to break up fights or other disturbances. Call for assistance from other Officers, as needed.
· May fill out misbehavior or use of force reports.
· May, as a member of an emergency response team, respond to any incidents.
· With proper authorization, may use weapons, chemical agents, restraining devices or protective equipment in case of emergency.
Provide for the general well‑being of the inmates.
· Report unusual or disturbed behavior to supervisors or medical/mental health staff.
· If authorized and assigned the responsibility to do so, issue prescribed medication and check to make sure it is taken.
· Announce sick call, supervise bathing, arrange to feed inmates under keeplock, etc.
· Requisition, distribute and maintain inventory control of necessary supplies.
· Ensure that inmates have proper clothing and gear by checking issue and instruct on proper use of equipment.
· Evaluate attitudes and behaviors of inmates.
· Listen to inmates problems and, where problems cannot be resolved, refer to the appropriate staff. Give inmates information as to what behaviors or actions are expected by the facility as dictated by the standards of the Inmate Behavior Rule Book.
· Responsible for the safety and well-being of inmates engaged in vigorous activities, such as outside work assignments and required exercise.
If assigned, direct the work of inmates.
· On a work detail, in a vocational shop, or other program area assignment, advise inmates as to what is expected from them, inform them of the rules and regulations of the area and of possible safety hazards. Give special attention or direction to inmates, as needed.
· Understand the proper use, care and maintenance of all tools and machinery required to be used by the inmates.
· Observe activities of assigned work area, checking for possible violations of safety, health or security regulations.
· Report any observed irregularities involving violations of such regulations to a supervisor.
Reception Center Officers closely observe and direct the inclusion of inmates into the system.
· Closely observe inmates' conduct covering such areas as level of conformance, response to authority, overall attitude, effort in various areas, relationships with fellow inmates and abnormal behavior.
· Conduct orientation to unit.
· Report any unusual behavior of inmates to a supervisor.
· If assigned, check authorizations and observes actions of visitors.
In a special assignment, a Correction Officer may provide inter-State and intra-State transfer and custodial services for parole violators or inmates .
· Prepare jail-time certificates for parole violators ordered returned.
· Ensure all appropriate paperwork is in order prior to departure.
· Serve 9011 (Violation of Parole Report) to parolee, including charges, within statutory guidelines. Explain preliminary hearing rights.
· Search parole violators for contraband or potential weapons.
· Safeguard custody of parole violators or inmates when returning them to designated correctional facilities and make transfer and security arrangements for moving violators.
· Prepare Supplementary Parole Violation Reports and any other necessary written reports following transport.
· Carry out returns in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations.
Provide custodial services at Parole Violation Hearings.
· Coordinate transfer of violator including pick-up/sign-out and transfer to/from hearing room.
· Supervise violator while in the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision custody, including putting on and removing restraints, controlling access to hearing room and searching witnesses entering the hearing room for weapons and contraband and providing security at Community Supervision offices or State or local correctional facilities.
Provide support for Parole Officers as necessary, including assistance in arrest situations, surveillance situations, investigations of absconders, and preparing written records of activities.
May perform a variety of duties related to Peace Officer status.
If assigned, participate in the training and instruction on all phases of Department procedures, directives and mandates to other Officers or Trainees.
Correction Officer is an entry level non‑supervisory title which, in a maximum or medium security correctional facility, works under the direct supervision and frequent observation of a Correction Sergeant, the first line supervisor who gives orders or instructions and makes specific assignments. During a tour of duty, the Correction Sergeant or Correction Lieutenant visits the Officers work site at irregular intervals, evaluates performance and quality of work, and is available for advice or assistance as needed.
Correction Officers assigned to Shock Incarceration Facilities and Work Release Facilities function in a like manner under the supervision of a Correction Sergeant or other superior, as assigned.
Depending on the assignment, the degree of interpersonal relationships required of a Correction Officer will vary markedly. An Officer on a wall security post, for example, has only limited contact with his or her immediate supervisor, a Correction Sergeant, and normally no contact with inmates, other staff members or people from outside of the correctional facility.
On certain other posts, such as the front entrance or a visiting room, the Officer may deal with a variety of people, primarily to give information and to explain facility procedures to the public in a friendly manner. As well, an Officer assigned to an outside work crew may have direct contact with the public in providing services to the local community.
Personal work relationships of Officers who, in addition to security duties, are responsible for directing the activities of inmates as illustrated by tier or work detail posts, are generally limited to verbally giving instructions and directions to the inmates under their control. On such posts, outside contacts and staff relationships beyond other Officers and immediate supervisors on the same shift are limited. Correction Officers assigned to such posts may prepare routine forms or make written or verbal reports on unusual incidents.
An Officer at a reception center is responsible for directing a group of inmates and must be able to express himself or herself effectively, both verbally and in writing, to other clerical, administrative, professional and uniformed staff members. The Officer must be cognizant of the various types of unusual behavior or problems that may occur with assigned inmates.
Open Competitive: Possession of a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma; be at least 21 years of age; meet physical and psychological standards determined by the Employee Health Service of the Department of Civil Service in conjunction with the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision; satisfactorily complete a twelve-month traineeship; and be qualified to be a Peace Officer and a Public Officer under New York State Law.
Revised: 7/17
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent, and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.