Occ. Code 8700500
community correctional center
assistant, GRADE 15
New York State Department of
Civil Service
Classification Standard
Correctional Center Assistants perform basic reporting and technical activities
within their assigned facilities. Incumbents are responsible for the
day-to-day security operations of the correctional facility and must work
cooperatively with the Division of Parole and other Department of Corrections
and Community Supervision personnel. The correctional facility and the
Community Correctional Center Assistant assigned to them operate in accordance
with the Policy and Procedure of the Department of Corrections and Community
Supervision. It is recognized that the functional duties may vary due to the
circumstances within a community-based facility.
These positions
are only classified and assigned to a New York State Department of Corrections
and Community Supervision (DOCCS) facility.
community correctional center assistant:
entry/full performance level; performs basic reporting and technical
activities, as required by the construct of the program to which they are
Officers are responsible for the custody and security as well as the safety and
well-being of criminal offenders in State Correctional Facilities, Correction
Camps, Shock Incarceration Correctional Facilities, Work Release Centers and
Drug Treatment Centers. Incumbents are also responsible for offenders
requiring mental health services while confined within the State Correctional System
and those who require health care at hospitals or health centers outside of
Departmental facilities.
Performs basic reporting and
technical activities, as required by the construct of the program to which they
are assigned.
- Responsibility for custody,
control, and supervision of inmates.
- Makes rounds of inmate areas.
- Enforces standards of inmate
- Collects urine samples and
conducts tests for use of prohibited substances.
- Informs the Superintendent of
failed tests and returns the inmate to the facility for Tier III hearings.
- Conducts main duty office
logistical functions.
- Follows inmate transfer
- Collects and receipts the
inmates paycheck and disburses weekly expense money. Assists inmates in
financial matters.
- Maintains chronological records
of all events that occur during the inmate's participation in the program and
produce detailed, highly descriptive monthly reports relative to the
inmate's activity within the program and status for submission to the
Works with individual inmates, in
collaboration with Offender Rehabilitation Cooridnator in developing a program
for final approval by the facility Superintendent.
- Specifies reporting days and
times; clearly identifies work or education programs that the inmate must
participate in; develops specific rehabilitative programs that the inmate
must participate in within the community, and identifies the inmate's
residence ensuring that it is appropriate for the program.
- Discusses the program with the
Superintendent, or his/her designee, and makes any modifications
- Explains the finalized program
to the inmate in detail, clarifies any ambiguities for the inmate, and
obtains the inmate's voluntary signature of a formalized memo of agreement
relative to the program.
- Makes necessary contacts with
employers, community agencies and family members and formally verifies their
willingness to participate in the program.
Maintains contact with the inmate
while in the community, in coordination with the Offender Rehabilitation
Coorindator and Parole Officers.
- Contacts the inmate's employer
on a regular basis to determine that the inmate is employed, is performing
adequately to the employer's satisfaction, and is working in accordance
with the rules and regulations of the program.
- Contacts community agencies
which are providing services to the inmate to determine their perspective
relative to the effectiveness of their services and the level of
participation in the agency's program by the inmate.
- Contacts the inmate's family to
discuss the inmate's interaction with other family members and to
determine that the inmate is maintaining family contacts.
Provides counseling and guidance
to assigned inmates.
- Based on community contacts and
the inmate's own perceptions, discusses with the inmate their success or
failure within the program and possible actions that can be taken to
improve the chances for success.
- When additional or alternative
programming is required, reviews such modifications with the
Superintendent, modifies the contract, and arranges with appropriate
community agencies to provide needed programming.
- Works with the inmate's
employer to resolve problems that may not be caused by the inmate, but
which are affecting the inmates participation within the program. Also,
works with the inmate and the employer to ensure the inmate can
effectively function on the job and is aware of the employer's expectations
relative to performance and time and attendance.
- Works with the inmate and
family members to resolve problems that may arise that can negatively
impact on the inmate's re-introduction to the family setting and may
involve both the inmate and his family members in community counseling or
rehabilitative services if it appears that this might enhance program
- Makes comprehensive, factual,
written chronological entries dealing with all contacts involving the
inmate which fully explain the scope of the contact; problems or successes
identified; and the outcome of the contact.
Acts as a liaison with other
criminal justice agencies in all matters dealing with assigned inmates.
- Shares and receives information
with the Division of Parole relative to the inmate's activities and
performance within the program.
- Acts as primary contact point
with police in cases involving the inmate. In most cases, this involves
removal of the inmate from the program and, depending on the severity of
the case, transfer of jurisdiction while the inmate is facing new charges.
Responsible for custody, control
and supervision of inmates.
- Maintains order in the facility
and on facility property at all times.
- In an outside work assignment
setting, independently directs and maintains discipline within the work
crew for which assigned.
- Checks on the health and
well-being of inmates on a continuous basis.
- Oversees the completion of work
assignments and facility housekeeping functions.
- Oversees recreational
- Makes periodic rounds of
assigned areas.
- Takes master count of inmates
and unscheduled counts during each shift.
- Checks all accessible areas multiple
times during each shift.
- Looks for and reports any fire
- Maintains thorough knowledge of
alarm systems, fire drill procedures and Ready Emergency Data.
- Monitors inmate movement.
- Prepares written and oral
reports and forms, as necessary.
- Completes a facility log (Shift
- Reports any important
information regarding unusual incidents, facility operations, inmate
movement, security, and health and safety problems to the relief personnel.
- Receipts inmate wages and issues
receipt for same.
- Completes inmate commendable or
misbehavior reports, as warranted.
- Completes other reports as
- Maintains and updates computer
reporting systems.
Enforces Standards of Inmate
Behavior. Advise inmates of facility rules and regulations.
- Explains to inmates the
importance of both knowing and adhering to the facility rules and
- Maintains an awareness of, and
distinction between, intra-facility and Temporary Release rules and regulations.
- Conducts searches for
contraband, use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the facility or on facility
property, using the following methods: strip search; pat frisk; cell/cube
frisks; detects the use of alcohol through the use of Alco-Sensor Breath Analysis;
detects the use of illegal drugs through the use of urinalysis testing; field
tests suspected contraband drugs; carries firearms in the performance of
duties as assigned by the supervisor.
Performs para-counseling
- Assists inmates in resolving
- Develops and maintains a
professional rapport with the inmate population, which includes being
available to listen and respond to inmates seeking assistance.
- Discerns the nature of inmate
problems, facilitates the inmates decision making process, and refers the
inmate to an Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator, Parole Officer or other
appropriate staff as necessary.
- Explains information on
contracts and other papers to the inmate and witnesses the signature of
the inmate. Ensures that the information is understood by the inmate
- Develops and maintains a
professional rapport with inmate families, employers and outside agencies.
Conducts Main Duty Office
logistical functions.
- Answers and responds to all
telephone calls received.
- Oversees proper procedures
pertaining to Residents Destination and Return Log, Visitors Log, and
issuance of identification cards.
- Processes inmates in and out on
the computer system.
- Monitors inmate self-medication
- Issues monies (for weekly
expenses, etc.) when required.
- Follows proper procedure
pertaining to receiving new inmates and release of inmates by the Division
of Parole.
- Acts as Identification Officer
when necessary.
- Keeps the facility
Superintendent/Officer-of-the-Day advised of any pertinent information and
unusual incidents.
- Executes escape and absconder
procedures and files detainer warrants when assigned.
- Gives detailed information to
the appropriate police agency for the filing of criminal report on escaped
or absconded inmates, when assigned.
- Records civilian/security
employee absence reports by phone.
- Schedules notification of the
Transportation Unit bus to the next facilitys Watch Commanders office.
- Executes emergency furloughs
when directed.
Transfers inmates.
- Maintains awareness of
regulations pertaining to inmate property and preparation for transfer
(e.g., packing of inmate property, completion of forms, etc.).
- Maintains awareness of
regulations pertaining to transporting inmates.
- Serves as an armed escort in
the process of transporting inmates.
Performs other related work as
Assumes key control responsibilities.
Monitors arrest notifications.
Provides parole board coverage.
Provides orientation to new inmates.
Updates the facility mailboxes.
Coordinates the removal of inmate property.
Maintains absconder packets.
Maintains manuals and work release folders.
Conducts fire drills in accordance with Department policy and
Performs other related duties as assigned by the Superintendent
or his/her designee.
Performs any duties appropriately
assigned to a peace officer.
Open Competitive: one
year of full-time paid experience in a position in a correctional setting with
responsibility for the supervision of inmates (requiring peace officer status),
and an associates degree or 60 credit hours from an accredited educational
institution, including at least 12 credit hours in sociology, psychology, or a
related social science specialty.
Rev: 7/18
NOTE: Classification
Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and
responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not
include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The
minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at
the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division
of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements
for appointment or examination.