Occ. Code 8720720
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
The Deputy Superintendent of Correctional Mental Health Care Facility manages specialized programs housings inmates with serious mental illness, intellectual capacity limitations, and physical disabilities within a Residential Mental Health Unit (RMHU). Incumbents work closely with the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and other agencies or organizations providing services or expertise to the specialized populations.
These positions are classified only at the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS).
DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF CORRECTIONAL MENTAL HEALTH CARE FACILITY: management level, non-competitive; reporting to the Superintendent, responsible for overall administration and management of mental health programs within an RMHU, and the direction and supervision of employees assigned to specialized mental health programs.
Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services, Deputy Superintendent for Security Services, Deputy Superintendent for Program Services, Deputy Superintendent for Reception and Classification, and Deputy Superintendent of Correctional Health Care Facility, also work under the direction of a Superintendent of Correctional Facility and are responsible for the administration, security, programming, classification, and health functions at a correctional facility.
Director Correctional Mental Health Programs and Assistant Director Correctional Mental Health Programs are main office positions responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs designed to provide services to inmates with special needs, such as visual, hearing, intellectual and/or developmental impairments, and those inmates with mental health issues.
Manages the delivery of specialized programs for inmates with mental illness, intellectual capacity limitations, or physical disabilities.
· Reviews existing specialized programs for inmates to determine effectiveness and possible changes.
· Analyzes mental health, specialized programs, counseling programs, and the goals of inmates to ensure programs are effective, and in compliance with State legislation.
· Analyzes working relationships with OMH to determine if services meet DOCCS standards, and State legislation.
· Meets at least biweekly with the OMH director to review programming issues and ensure goals are being achieved.
· Prepares annual budget for all programs and may appear at Division of Budget Hearings.
· Coordinates with the Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services regarding the provision of necessary space and/or its modification if necessary for new and expanded programs and equipment.
· Coordinates with the Deputy Superintendent for Security Services to ensure that inmates are able to take advantage of programs offered.
· Coordinates Parole Board hearings with the Deputy Superintendents for Administrative Services and Security Services to ensure that proper space/security is available and inmates are available for these hearings.
· Coordinates programs with the facility Industrial Superintendent to ensure proper inmate training and smooth transition from academic/vocational programs to the industrial program setting.
· Ensures that inmates are given basic pre-parole counseling by subordinate staff and inmates prior to initial Parole Board hearings.
· Attends daily treatment team meetings.
· Monitors the daily census and movement of inmates.
· Conducts daily rounds on the block to ensure procedures are being followed.
· Monitors grievances to address any potential problems with the operation of the program or with staff misconduct.
· Holds biweekly staff meetings to ensure assigned staff are working to achieve programming objectives.
· Reviews all unusual incident reports, informational reports, and misbehavior reports.
· Maintains statistical data and ensure documentation on issues of compliance with all Private Settlement Agreement and SHU Exclusion law requirements.
· Implements specialized training for new staff, and provide training as appropriate.
· Conducts orientation arrival for new inmates into the program.
· Submits reports to the Superintendent and/or Central Office on the progress and operation of mental health programs.
· Provides supervision and support to all assigned staff in the specialized program.
Assume management responsibility of an absent Superintendent, as directed.
· Executes all department policy, rules, and regulations relating to all activities at the facility and provide necessary leadership.
· Discharges all normal functions of the Superintendent.
· Serves as Officer-of-the-Day on assigned weekends, holidays, or other designated periods.
· Remains on call to receive all emergency or extraordinary messages at any time of the day or night for the period when designated Officer-of-the-Day.
· Serve as member of the facilitys executive committee.
· Attends meetings with other Deputy Superintendents and management staff to discuss overall policies relating to the operation of the facility.
· Presents recommendations to resolve programs in the area of problem services.
· Evaluates present activities and operations at the institution in collaboration with other members of the Executive Committee.
· Implements directives of the Executive Committee concerning mental health service areas.
Promotion: three years of experience in a position in DOCCS, including one year of experience supervising/monitoring a correctional mental health program at or equivalent to Grade 22 or higher.
Date: 7/18
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.