Occ. Code 8721820
New York State Department of
Civil Service
Classification Standard
Superintendents for Program Services are responsible for the management of all
programs operating within the correctional facility to which they are
assigned. Incumbents manage all educational, counseling, institutional parole
services, and volunteer programs; collaborate with the Division of Correctional
Industries to develop and maintain a smooth transition from the training of
inmates through the actual incorporation of inmates within the industrial
production program; assume management responsibility in the absence of the
facilitys Superintendent; and serve as a member or chairman of various
These positions are
classified in the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS).
SUPERINTENDENT FOR PROGRAM SERVICES 2: non-competitive; management level;
responsible for the management of all programs operating at a correctional
facility with an inmate population of between 400 and 699.
SUPERINTENDENT FOR PROGRAM SERVICES 3: non-competitive; management level; responsible
for the management of all programs operating at a correctional facility with an
inmate population of 700 or more. Positions at this level are also classified
in all maximum/maximum correctional facilities and the Bedford Hills
Correctional Facility.
Incumbents of
positions of Deputy Superintendent for Security Services, Deputy Superintendent
for Administrative Services, and Deputy Superintendent of Correctional Health
Care Facility, also work under the direction of a Superintendent of
Correctional Facility and are responsible for the security, administration, and
health care functions at a correctional facility.
Manages educational, counseling,
institutional parole services, and volunteer programs within a correctional
- Reviews with subordinate staff
existing educational, counseling, institutional parole, and volunteer
programs to determine effectiveness and possible changes.
- Analyzes the goals of inmates
with regard to further education to ensure programs are relevant and
current. Makes recommendations to eliminate programs, create new
programs, or modify existing programs to ensure that the facilitys
academic and vocational programs are effective based upon todays inmates
needs and expectations.
- Analyzes counseling programs to
determine if changes are warranted. May recommend the reduction or
expansion of caseload, the implementation of new counseling techniques,
the discontinuance of ineffective counseling procedures, modifications in
staffing patterns, etc.
- Analyzes institutional parole
program to determine if changes are necessary. May recommend changes to
procedures and policies.
- Analyzes the volunteer services
program. May recommend new programs or the discontinuance of existing
- Develops and implements new
- Directs, supervises, and evaluates
subordinate educational, counseling, senior parole officer located in the
facility, and volunteer staff, recommending additional training as
- Directs subordinate staff to
prepare reports concerning the effectiveness of programs.
- Interviews prospective
employees and makes hiring recommendations to the facility Superintendent
and appropriate Main Office director.
- Implements specialized training
for new staff, and provides training as appropriate.
- Prepares annual budget for all
programs and may appear at departmental or Division of Budget hearings.
- Provides supportive data to
justify budget requests.
- Coordinates with the Deputy
Superintendent for Administrative Services regarding the provision of
necessary space and/or its modification, if necessary, for new and
expanded programs and equipment.
- Coordinates with the Deputy
Superintendent for Security Services to ensure that inmates are able to
take advantage of programs offered.
- Ensures that inmates are given
basic pre-parole counseling by subordinate staff and that inmates records
are prepared prior to initial Parole Board hearings.
- Coordinates Parole Board
hearings with the Deputy Superintendents for Administrative Services and
Security Services to ensure that proper space/security is available and
that inmates are available for these hearings.
- Coordinates programs with the
facility Industrial Superintendent to ensure proper inmate training and a
smooth transition from academic/vocational programs to the industrial
program setting.
Supervises subordinate staff.
- Provides supervision, guidance,
and oversight to subordinate staff, and intervenes and resolves problems
as necessary.
- Determines and oversees staff
- Approves leave and tracks time
and attendance.
- Reviews, monitors, and evaluates
staff performance.
- Completes performance
- Identifies training needs and
arranges for provision of training.
- Manages
and directs program activities by setting priorities and deadlines.
Assumes management responsibility
of an absent Superintendent.
- Executes all department
policies, rules, and regulations relating to all activities at the
facility and provide necessary leadership
- Discharges all normal functions
of the Superintendent.
- Serves as Officer-of-the-Day on
assigned weekends, holidays or other designated period.
- Remains on call to receive all
emergency or extraordinary messages at any time of the day or night for
the period when acting as designated Officer-of-the-Day.
Oversees Superintendent procedures
for inmate disciplinary cases and delegates responsibility to appropriate
subordinate supervisors for less severe cases.
- Acts in a quasi judicial
capacity in weighing all evidence and statements pertaining to
disciplinary charges against an inmate.
- Evaluates evidence and makes
decisions sustaining or dismissing charges.
- Establishes penalties within
the framework of departmental procedures.
Serves as member of the Executive
Committee at the facility.
- Attends meetings with other
Deputy Superintendents and management staff to discuss overall policies
relating to the operation of the facility.
- Presents recommendations to
resolve problems in the area of program services.
- Evaluates present activities
and operations at the institution in collaboration with other members of
the Executive Committee.
- Implements directives of the
Executive Committee concerning the program areas.
May act as chairman of the
Adjustment Committee, which is designed to make program modifications for
- Obtains from teachers, instructors,
counselors, custodial officers, etc., background information.
- May call upon appropriate
facility staff to provide recommendations or to clarify certain
questionable information to assist the Committee in making a decision.
- After thoroughly evaluating
documentation and facts, makes an appropriate determination for submittal
to the Superintendent for final approval.
- Notifies DOCCS Main Office of
all committee recommendations.
May act as chairman of the
Temporary Release Committee in facilities with Work Release Programs.
- Schedules regular committee
- Reviews and evaluates each
inmate who is requesting furlough or work release.
- Conducts discussions with all
members of the committee concerning inmates acceptability for furlough or
work release.
- In cases where applications for
furlough or work release are approved, forwards proper documentation to
Superintendent for final determination.
- Ensures that a Furlough
Investigation Request is forwarded to the field parole office, or that a
full investigation is conducted for work release candidates.
- Upon receiving a positive
investigation report, schedules a meeting between the inmate and the
Release Committee.
- Instructs inmates as to all
necessary conditions of their release, and obtains agreements to set conditions.
In certain circumstances, specific conditions are determined for release
of the inmate at the initial screening of his/her application.
- Completes necessary
documentation for inmate signature and forwards completed form to the
facility Superintendent.
- Schedules the inmate for
- In the case of a negative
decision at the initial screening, or in cases of a negative investigation
report, explains the circumstances of the decision and/or report to the
inmate. If possible, attempts to create an alternative plan that would
make the inmate eligible for release.
- In cases where furlough is
granted, acts as liaison with family and friends regarding the furlough.
- Ensures that transportation is
- Ensures that the inmate is
provided with sufficient finances to carry him/her through the furlough
May act as chairman of the Media
Review Committee.
- Assigns literature received at
the institution by the inmates for review by individual members of the Committee.
- Schedules regular weekly
meetings and ensures that Committee assignments are completed.
- Makes final recommendations for
acceptance of material or forwarding of unacceptable material to the Media
Review Committee at the Departments Main Office.
- Ensures that final responses to
unacceptable material are transmitted to the inmate, giving justification
for unacceptability.
- Ensures that unacceptable
material is stored with the inmates possessions to be turned over to the
inmate at the time of his/her release.
May act as liaison to the Inmate
Liaison Committee.
- Works with the Executive Board
of the Liaison Committee in presenting constructive changes to the
administration of the facility.
- Coordinates Inmate Liaison
Committee elections by ensuring there are valid messages that help
stimulate interest in the functions of the Inmate Liaison Committee
broadcast throughout the facility; oversees the balloting; and coordinates
volunteers in helping with the election process.
- Arranges meetings of outside
groups who are interested in the Inmate Liaison Committee, such as high
school classes or civil groups, with the Executive Board.
- Schedules monthly meetings
between the Inmate Liaison Committee and the Superintendent and
appropriate Deputy Superintendents.
May act as chairman of the
Classification Committee.
- Assigns Committee members to
review reports prepared by Correction Counselors, Instructors, Parole
Officers, etc., concerning inmate interests, abilities, and case
histories, and the Counselors recommendations for the inmates program.
- Reviews existing facility programs
and determines appropriate program for placement.
- May make specific
recommendations on cases assigned as a member of the Committee, which are
then voted upon and either approved or rejected.
- Prepares appropriate reports on
committee actions for submission to the Superintendent, the Division of
Classification and Movement in Main Office, and the Deputy Commissioner
for Program Services.
Administers the Incentive
Allowance Program.
- Collaborates with
Superintendent and Main Office to determine basic incentive allowance.
- Reviews programs and makes
recommendations for program modifications to the Superintendent and Main
- Remedies all complaints arising
within the Incentive Allowance Program concerning non-payment to inmates
and/or requests for higher allowances.
- Trains subordinate staff in the
concepts of the Incentive Allowance Program.
- Prepares reports on the success
of the Incentive Allowance Program.
Responsible for employee
disciplinary and grievance matters within programs.
- Reviews Step One Grievance to
determine authenticity and the appropriateness of action of the first-line
- May hear Step 2 Grievance and
makes appropriate recommendation.
- May be called upon to provide
basic background information and reasons for Step One and Two
determinations to be used in Step 3 Grievance cases. May be asked to
appear as a witness at such grievances.
- Recommends to the Deputy
Superintendent for Administrative Services and the Superintendent that
certain employees be issued Notice(s) of Discipline and the reason(s).
- If the Superintendent agrees
with the recommendation, makes recommendation to the Deputy Superintendent
for Administrative Services that the Main Office Labor Relations Office
Representative issue a Notice of Discipline.
- May be asked to appear at Step
3 hearings as a witness on behalf of the administration and at arbitration
Non-Competitive: three years
of experience in a position in DOCCS, including one year of experience in a
position in a correctional program allocated at or equivalent to Grade 22 or higher;
or three years of the general experience, including one year of experience in
an Education Supervisor (General) or Education Supervisor (Vocational) position.
Rev: 7/18
NOTE: Classification
Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities
of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the
work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum
qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time
the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of
Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements
for appointment or examination.