Occ. Code 0815210
0815210 |
0815310 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Information Technology Specialists (Programming) perform or assist in performing technical activities related to writing instructions (code), application program development, program and system testing, and business/systems analysis and design related to computer systems, systems maintenance and implementation in such areas as the design and development of database systems; dynamic, transactional, or interactive web sites; and agency specific application programs.
These positions exist in most State agencies and all positions are in the competitive class.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST 1 (PROGRAMMING): entry level; perform duties with detailed instructions and guidance provided by either Information Technology Specialists 2 (Programming) or higher level IT positions. Incumbents may perform any of the duties assigned to Information Technology Specialists 1; however, the preponderance of duties assigned involves computer application programming duties.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST 2 (PROGRAMMING): full performance level; performs the full range of duties under the general supervision of higher level IT positions; may work in teams; may supervise Information Technology Specialists 1 (Programming) or Information Technology Specialists 1. Incumbents may perform any of the duties assigned to Information Technology Specialists 2; however, the preponderance of duties assigned involves computer application programming duties.
Information Technology Specialists 1 and 2 perform a wide range of information technology related activities in such areas as Information Security, Business/Systems Analysis, Web Site Administration, Office Automation, and Network Administration.
Information Technology Specialists 3 (Programming) act as lead systems analysts and application programmers. They may supervise and train Information Technology Specialists 1 and 2 (Programming) and other information technology staff.
Information Technology Specialists 3 and 4 (Systems Programming) perform systems programming and implement and maintain an agency's systems software environment or major components of it.
Information Technology Specialists 3 and 4 (Database) perform database definition, documentation, structure, installation, organization, and management tasks.
Information Technology Specialists 3 and 4 (Data Communications) perform data communications, network analysis, design, installation, monitoring, performance evaluation, tuning, and maintenance tasks.
Performs coding, testing, and debugging activities.
· Writes and assists in writing computer programs based on previously developed and approved program specifications.
· Writes and tests procedures, parameters and other specifications required to implement computer systems usually with user input.
· Develops or assists with the development of unit, component and system test plans usually with user input.
· Develops or assists with the development of test data usually with user input.
· Conducts unit testing of individual components and assists IT technical staff with systems and operations testing usually with user input.
Plans and conducts application programming design.
· Assists in developing a high level conceptual design.
· Consults with various IT staff to help determine the most technically efficient approach to file design, on-line processing, database structure, and data communication.
· Participates in the development of a detail design for an information system including the functional specifications that define the business rules and the input, processing, and output details pertinent to the system's operations and report programs.
· Reviews and obtains approval for the detail application design from users prior to the initiation of application programming.
· Ensures programs include security requirements and adequate access controls.
Implements new and revised systems.
· Verifies that documentation is complete, organized, filed, and readily available for users and IT staff.
· Verifies that all levels of testing (e.g., unit, systems, user, and operations) have been performed and results are satisfactory.
· Verifies that system security measures are appropriate and comply with Office for Technology and agency defined directives.
· Conducts or assists in training users and IT staff.
· Verifies that users and IT management have approved, authorized, and signed-off on the system design, test results, and implementation schedule.
· Assists in scheduling activities for implementation.
· Monitors initial production runs and communicates with other IT staff to support resolution of any malfunctions.
· Participates in post implementation review of applications for effectiveness, accomplishment of stated goals, and compliance with existing controls and standards.
Maintains systems after implementation.
· Conducts and participates in systems maintenance activities, including making emergency corrections caused by events such as systems failure, operation errors, changes in legislation or user requirements, or changes in the IT environment.
· Conducts analysis to determine impact of requested or mandated change and provides estimate of time and resources needed to accomplish change.
· Meets with users and IT management to agree on the method and schedule for change implementation.
· Redesigns systems to accomplish change and tests and documents system changes.
Conducts or assists in business/systems analysis and design.
· Documents business systems or processes by describing all relevant factors including work flow processes, data input and output activities, descriptions of data elements, and overall program goals, objectives, and external considerations, such as federal and State legislative mandates. This may include web site development and administration of a transactional, dynamic, or interactive web site; or the design, development, and administration of database systems to support IT applications.
· Gathers, organizes, and performs preliminary analysis of information about costs/benefits, advantages/disadvantages, and technical feasibility of designing and implementing proposed systems.
· Participates in meetings and works with agency management, users, vendors, consultants, and IT staff to discuss IT solution options and assists in recommending appropriate system platforms for meeting program requirements.
· Assists in analyzing the impact of implementing new or modified systems on computer resources and other agency programs.
In addition to any or all of the duties above:
May supervise Information Technology Specialists 1 (Programming), Grade 14; Information Technology Specialists 1, Grade 14; and Information Technology Assistants, Grade 12. The supervisory function includes such activities as providing technical direction on specific tasks and completing administrative supervisory duties such as approving time off; signing timecards; and completing performance evaluations.
Open Competitive: An Associates or higher level degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Management Information Systems, OR an Associate's or higher level degree with fifteen credit hours in Computer Science including or supplemented by nine credit hours in programming language, business analysis and/or design OR a total of two years of experience in the following computer related areas: computer programming; business/systems analysis; program design; and program testing.
Promotion: One year of permanent service as an Information Technology Specialist 1 (Programming), Grade 14.
Open Competitive: A Bachelors or higher level degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Management Information Systems, or a Bachelor's or higher level degree with eighteen credit hours in Computer Science including or supplemented by nine credit hours in programming language, business analysis and/or design OR a total of four years of experience in the following computer related areas: computer programming; business/systems analysis; program design; or program testing.
Revised: 9/07
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.