Occ. Code 3504510
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Supervisor Professional Education Programs plans, coordinates, supervises and administers activities related to professional education program review. The incumbent of this position coordinates the review and approval of all professional education programs with the State Boards and committees for the Professions to ensure that academic standards are met.
This one-position class exists only in the State Education Department.
SUPERVISOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS: supervises professional educators responsible for program review, master plan amendments, academic field visits and investigation of student complaints in collegiate undergraduate and graduate programs leading to licensure.
Supervises professional educators, including at least two Associates involved in professional education; coordinates the review and approval of all professional education programs with the 30 State Boards and committees for the Professions; manages the Board of Regents role as a U.S. Education Department approved program accreditor for nursing education and public post-secondary vocational education (practical nursing); assembles academic peer review teams for the overall assessment of colleges and universities that are at-risk of not meeting their education mission; oversees the review and approval of providers of mandated infection control training and recognition and reporting of child abuse and the approval of certified nurse aide programs within nursing programs at colleges and universities; evaluates proposals and recommends actions for new and existing professional education programs for compliance with Education Law, Regents Rules and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education; conducts site visits resulting from proposals requiring amendments by the Board of Regents to an institutions charter, Certificate of Incorporation or master plan; performs in-depth paper reviews of professional education program materials and progress reports from institutions/programs that have been determined at-risk, conducts site visits, if needed, to intervene in crisis situations in which students could be jeopardized by sudden institutional or programmatic changes affecting quality of instruction; drafts legislation, regulations, analyses of legislative proposals, memoranda to academic institutions; and administers office budget, personnel, work assignments and public information.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as an Associate in Professional Education, Associate in Nursing Education, or Associate in Teacher Education.
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of the duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum requirements for appointment or examination.