Occ. Code 3517200
3517200 |
3517400 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Brief Description of CLASS Series
Assistants and Associates in Nursing Education perform various duties related to the education, certification and registration, and other aspects of the nursing professions. These positions are found only in the State Education Department.
Distinguishing Characteristics
Assistants in Nursing Education perform the full range of professional duties described for Associate in Nursing Education, but work independently on smaller projects or as part of a team on more complex assignments.
Associates in Nursing Education perform the full range of professional duties; may lead a team on more complex assignments.
Assistants and Associates in Professional Education review programs, master plan amendments, academic field visits and investigation of student complaints in collegiate undergraduate and graduate programs leading to licensure in various other professions.
· Evaluate proposals for new or modified nursing and other professional education programs and draft related Regents items.
· Conduct professional education program registration reviews and site visits.
· Research, draft, and analyze proposed legislation, regulations, standards, and issues affecting nursing and other health care professions.
· Interact with accrediting organizations regarding the development and implementation of professional licensure examinations and analyze licensure examination results to ascertain national, State, and individual program trends;
· Respond to inquiries regarding health care practitioner licensing laws and other health related issues.
· Investigate and respond to complaints about an institutions adherence to its written academic policies and procedures and compliance with the related Education Law, rules, and regulations.
· Participate in meetings.
· Prepare draft responses for letters or information on behalf of the Director of Professional Education or the Deputy Commissioner.
· May supervise staff
Assistant in Nursing Education
Open Competitive: current New York State license as a registered nurse (RN), a masters degree in nursing, and three years of professional administrative or educational experience in a college, university, education agency, or professional association having oversight, regulatory, or coordinative responsibility for higher or professional education. Two years of this experience must have been related to either the regulation and/or licensure of nurses or to the development, review, or offering of nursing education programs.
Associate in Nursing Education
Promotion: one year of permanent service as an Assistant in Nursing Education.
Open Competitive: current New York State license as a registered nurse (RN), a masters degree in nursing, and five years of professional administrative or educational experience in a college, university, education agency, or professional association having oversight, regulatory, or coordinative responsibility for higher or professional education. Three years of this experience must have been related to either the regulation and/or licensure of nurses or to the development, review, or offering of nursing education programs.
Date: 4/15
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.
Parenthetics Attachment
Assistant and Associate in Nursing Education (Scope of Practice)
Assistants and Associates in Nursing Education (Scope of Practice) are located in the State Education Department, Nursing Board Office.
· Conduct research and analyze proposals, policy positions, clinical standards, accrediting standards, and federal and state laws and regulations that affect: nursing professions, other health care professions and health care provider organizations.
· Draft letters, practice guidelines, reports and other documents as directed by the Executive Secretary.
· Interact with other state government departments, health care providers, accrediting organizations and professional associations regarding educational, disciplinary, practice, licensing and testing issues that affect nursing professions.
· Oversee the Nursing Board Offices responses to public inquiries concerning state and federal health care laws, nursing practice, credentialing, accreditation, professional discipline, nursing licensing, and education.
· Assist the Executive Secretary with projects and other activities involving the New York State Board for Nursing.
· Assist the Executive Secretary with the general workflow of the office by: acting as a liaison with other Offices and Department personnel; overseeing Nursing Board Office activities; and supervising staff.
Assistant in Nursing Education (Scope of Practice)
Open Competitive: three years of professional administrative experience in an oversight agency having regulatory or accrediting responsibility for health care professionals. Two years of this experience must have been related to:
1. the development, evaluation, and/or application of clinical standards and/or credentials that directly affect nursing practice; AND/OR
2. the development and/or review of education programs that directly affect clinical nursing practice.
Associate in Nursing Education (Scope of Practice)
Promotion: one year of permanent services as an Assistant in Nursing Education (Scope of Practice).
Open Competitive: five years of professional administrative experience in an oversight agency having regulatory or accrediting responsibility for health care professionals. Three years of this experience must have been related to:
1. the development, evaluation, and/or application of clinical standards and/or credentials that directly affect nursing practice; AND/OR
2. the development and/or review of education programs that directly affect clinical nursing practice.
Associate in Nursing Education (Addictions)
This class is responsible for various aspects of the Professional Assistance Program (PAP).
· Assist with the contract preparation and monitoring of PAP contractors to ensure acceptable levels of service to nurses with drug addictions.
· Conduct research and draft issue papers on topics affecting licensed professionals with addictions.
· Respond to inquiries from applicants, licensees, PAP participants, and the general public regarding the Professional Assistance Program statute, Regents Rules, policies and procedures.
· Analyze proposed State legislation affecting licensed professionals with addictions; draft opinions relating to proposed State legislation.
· Assist in developing proposed legislation; prepare materials for Regents approval on regulatory Regents Rules changes in the PAP.
· Supervise subordinate staff; monitor PAP participants; and assist in the preparation of meetings of the Committee for Professional Assistance.
Open Competitive: current New York State license as a registered nurse (RN), a master's degree in nursing, and three years of nursing experience of which two years must have been in the field of substance abuse (drugs including alcohol) services involving intake, evaluation, and/or assessment of patients with substance abuse problems.