Occ. Code 3533100
3533100 |
3533200 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Education Program Assistants perform a variety of activities in support of developing, implementing, regulating, and maintaining programs of the Education Department.
These positions are classified only in the State Education Department.
Education Program Assistants 1 perform entry level professional work to assist higher level professional staff in implementing and monitoring departmental programs such as teacher certification, education, research, and occupational and continuing education, and educational finance. Examples of such support activities are developing historical or statistical data, evaluating applications and transcripts, planning and participating in workshops, regional meetings, or seminars.
Education Program Assistants 2 are employed in identical program areas as Education Program Assistants 1; they are distinguished by the assignment of more complicated tasks, greater independence of judgment in performing work, and/or the supervision of Education Program Assistants 1 and/or clerical personnel. Assignments indicative of more complicated work include but are not limited to the review of foreign credentials, liaison activities with a specified group of schools, providing technical assistance to school districts on evaluation design, authority to make decisions in program areas and the planning and implementation of such work.
Positions which provide expert consultant services to schools and colleges and which monitor compliance to education rules and regulations are classified as Assistants and Associates in various specialties. In many cases, these positions supervise Education Program Assistants 1 and 2.
Assists in preparing and writing programs, plans, projects, and reports required by Federal or State governments.
· Collects fiscal and statistical information or data for reports and budget proposals.
· Prepares memoranda, brochures, bibliographies, questionnaires, charts, and tables for reports and/or distribution to agencies.
· Reviews project proposals, reports and applications submitted by local agencies and postsecondary institutions for completeness and compliance with Federal and State regulations.
· Writes narratives for assigned portions of a report or plan.
· Edits manuals, study guides, and newsletters.
· Recruits and works with consultants who serve on evaluation teams.
· Gathers background data and makes preliminary recommendations for the approval of a new program or changes in such areas as curriculum and staffing.
· Develops goals, activities, and procedures for conducting the review of proposals and reports.
· Monitors projects by conducting site visitations to check compliance with law, rules and regulations.
Establishes liaison with educational organizations, parents, teachers, program personnel, and staff of other State agencies and institutions.
· Communicates orally and in writing with groups, colleges, or individuals to gain or verify information.
· Attends hearings about proposed legislation and analyzes such proposals.
· Develops historical data, statistical data, fiscal data and projections in response to requests from colleges, Division of the Budget, regents, or State Legislature.
· Explains new regulations, evaluates procedures, and provides general information to teacher associations, union representatives, and various groups within the agency.
· Coordinates and participates in regional meetings, conferences and seminars for teachers, administrators, and/or parents.
· Arranges public hearings to assess program and budget proposals.
· Meets with school representatives and other concerned parties to discuss funding, certification requirements, or programs with special problems.
· Provides technical assistance to local districts in such areas as testing, program changes and implementation, and certification of teachers and administrators.
As assigned, supervises a staff of Education Program Assistants 1 and/or support clerical position.
· Assigns and schedules work to subordinate staff; trains staff in procedures required in performance of duties; and resolves work-related problems and answers questions from staff.
· Reviews completed work for accuracy and compliance with work instructions.
· Develops annual revisions in long-range plans.
· Assesses program and fiscal materials.
· Conducts independent research on state and national trends.
· Summarizes evaluations of various projects.
· Reviews programs, proposals, reports, and professional literature.
· Identifies significant State or Federal legislation affecting education programs.
· Develops and designs needs assessment instruments, project proposals, administrative guidelines, forms, and procedures for model programs.
· Analyzes research studies for accuracy, consistency, and validity and recommends revisions.
· Interprets records and printouts and prepares statistical and fiscal analyses.
· Evaluates applications, credentials, and transcripts to determine adequacy of education and experience for teaching certification or admission to professional examinations.
· Abstracts data for reports and publications.
Open Competitive: Bachelors degree and satisfactory completion of a two-year traineeship.
Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service as an Education Program Assistant 1.
Rev: 7/17
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.