Occ. Code 3566100
3566100 |
3566200 |
3566300 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Education Credentials Specialists review and evaluate applications for professional licenses, teaching certificates or related credentials for compliance with New York State (NYS) requirements. They provide information on Education Law and Regulations pertaining to teacher certification and/or licensure qualifying programs, professional licensure and/or professional practice entities; and research educational programs and related professional licensure qualifications in the United States and other countries to evaluate their equivalency to established standards. These positions are found only in the State Education Department.
EDUCATION CREDENTIALS SPECIALIST 1: performance level; follows established guidelines or regulations in planning and carrying out their review/evaluations.
EDUCATION CREDENTIALS SPECIALIST 2: first supervisory level; supervises two or more Education Credentials Specialists 1 and clerical positions; performs more difficult and/or sensitive reviews and exercises more independent judgment within an assigned area of responsibility; assists in developing and implementing office wide or profession specific policies and procedures on reviewing education documents.
EDUCATION CREDENTIALS SPECIALIST 3: second supervisory level; supervises several units headed by Education Credentials Specialists 2; is primarily responsible for the evaluation of applications for a geographic area or a substantial part of a program office.
Assistants and Associates in Higher Education register new programs and proposals, provide technical assistance, and revise established programs.
Assistants and Associates in Teacher Education monitor academic quality in all undergraduate and Masters Degree programs (except those leading to a professional license) in public, independent and proprietary degree-granting institutions, and review existing teacher education programs to determine conformance with teacher education requirements.
Assistants and Associates in Professional Education review, approve, and monitor academic quality in registered programs leading to a professional certification or license.
· Uses established standards of acceptance and rejection, assesses applicant or professional practice entity eligibility for certification or licensing or the validity of other requests for an authorization to teach in an NYS State public school based on information presented by the applicant/requestor and other relevant parties.
· Explains and interprets education law, agency regulations, policies and/or procedures to applicants, State and local educational agencies and the general public regarding specific credentials and advises on possible courses of action needed to complete applications or meet requirements.
· Researches school and/or program registration or accreditation inside and outside of the United States, and evaluates their comparability when candidates apply for a State Education Department certification or license.
· Assists higher level Education Credentials Specialists and clerical staff in the analysis of more difficult reviews; maintains records of work performed and assists in preparing statistical reports.
· Supervises and has primary responsibility for processing applications for a group of professions, related practice entities or specific categories of teaching.
· Assists in providing operational and technical assistance to a diverse group of customers, including internal professional staff and related State, local and private educational agencies.
· Assists in the planning, development and implementation of program initiatives and activities.
· Assures that work plans are formulated in accordance with the agencys established guidelines.
· Provides information and technical assistance to local and private education officials in quality assurance and certification matters.
· Assists in the interpretation of regulatory and agency standards for certification/license to State entities and local educational agencies.
· Assures that regulatory policies are formulated consistent with the agencys mission.
· Works with the staff of private credentialing organizations or corporate filing entities to resolve problems and assure NYS standards are met.
· Identifies problems in operational procedures and assists in developing corrective action plans.
· Consults with internal professional staff as appropriate in collaborative efforts to evaluate professional credential requirements that do not fall within existing guidelines.
· Supervises and trains staff on program policies, procedures, practices and certification/licensure standards, assigns and reviews completed work for quality and quantity and evaluates work performance, identifying areas of weakness or inaccuracy and recommending performance improvement.
· Assists in developing and revising forms, guidelines, procedures and publications.
· Works with other agency staff, representatives of professional schools and organizations outside of the United States and governmental regulatory bodies of other countries to resolve issues regarding professional credentials.
· Corresponds with education and professional regulatory agencies and representatives of national accrediting bodies in the United States and other countries to evaluate the acceptability of specific educational/professional programs for licensure or certification in NYS.
" Resolves applicant problems and complaints, and responds to complex certification questions.
· Provides guidance, technical assistance and policy direction related to the collection, interpretation or evaluation of education credentials.
· Directs the formulation and implementation of operational policies and procedures for an assigned area.
· Oversees risk management assessments and activities; and is in charge of the Internal Controls Office Self-Assessment.
· Evaluates work performance of assigned staff and ensures the training of professional and clerical staff.
· Interprets education policies, Education Law and NYS Codes, Rules and Regulations as they apply to unique cases..
· Collaborates with national experts including national professional organizations in the development of effective service delivery systems.
· Works independently in planning, implementing, collecting data, coordinating and administering activities, and evaluating the work of subordinate staff.
· Resolves applicant problems and complaints, and responds to complex certification/licensure questions.
· Reviews and recommends regulatory revisions, oversees State regulation on related programmatic areas (i.e., BOCES evaluation of teaching credentials application) for administrative compliance.
· Reviews and distributes reports prepared by staff on educational systems in other countries.
· Oversees special program plans and policies to facilitate quality standard by monitoring progress of new activities, initiatives and programs.
· Represents the agency on both ongoing and selected national or state academic organizations, professional credentialing organizations or associations, public interest groups and task forces.
· Leads process improvement teams.
· Acts as spokesperson for the unit or bureau in various public forums.
Open-Competitive: Bachelors degree, and successful completion of a two-year traineeship OR a bachelors degree and fifteen credit hours in education AND one year of experience in human resources developing job standards and/or assessing applicant qualifications or in a position evaluating educational or professional credentials of individuals or institutions; OR a bachelors degree and two years of experience as described above.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as an Education Credentials Specialist 1.
Promotion: one year of permanent competitive service as an Education Credentials Specialist 2.
Revised: 7/17
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.