Occ. Code 5148300
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Mapping Technicians develop custom maps for agency planning, real property transactions, environmental management, health and safety and capital programs. They also create and maintain databases for cartographic functions.
These positions are classified at various State agencies, with a majority of positions at the Department of Transportation (DOT).
MAPPING TECHNICIAN 3: creates accurate base maps which include trail maps, facility site maps, topographic maps and infrastructure maps; collects GPS data on trails, roads, assets, utilities and infrastructure, making site visits using GPS equipment; and may train technical staff in the use of GPS equipment and best practices for use of GPS equipment and data gathered using the GPS units.
Mapping Technologists serve as project managers on automated cartographic production projects. Incumbents may be responsible for the management of computer-based cartographic information developing, or assisting in the development and maintenance of, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and/or carryout or assist with photogrammetry related tasks such as inspecting and evaluating contractor prepared aerial photography; performing aerotriangulation; operating analytical stereoplotters; and project planning and documentation.
Selects and utilizes base data from a variety of sources to compile maps based on analysis and interpretation of source materials in accordance with documented specifications and procedures, such as templates and style sets.
Determines physical traits, such as roads, buildings, and trails, to be represented in a map based on the program staffs request.
Revises maps as necessary based on input from supervisors and program staff.
Develops new datasets, reviews data collected by other staff, checks that documentation meets standards, and improves existing data.
Coordinates data that is developed, collected, and maintained in the region for inclusion in centralized statewide database.
Develops and keeps an up-to-date inventory of data collected.
Researches problems with GPS equipment and GIS software and develops appropriate solutions.
Open Competitive: five years of technical experience in the fields of mapping or digital photogrammetry.
Substitutions: a bachelors degree in cartography, civil engineering, computer science, engineering technology, forestry, geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geology, landscape architecture, photogrammetry, planning or surveying can be substituted for four years of the work experience.
Date: 9/18
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent, and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum requirements for appointment or examination.