Occ. Code 6140230







New York State Department of Civil Service


Classification Standard


            Pathology is the branch of medical science specializing in the diagnosis of diseases through the use of laboratory techniques.  Pathologists ordinarily supervise supporting personnel in the Laboratory Technician series who carry out assigned laboratory procedures.  The Pathologist interprets the results of these procedures.


            The work includes the determination of the cause of death through autopsy, the analysis of biopsy material, and the interpretation of anatomical (surgical and autopsy) and clinical (microbiologic, serologic, hematologic, and biochemical) evidence.  Procedures utilized by the Pathologist include analysis of body fluids including blood counts, blood chemistry, and spinal fluid; analysis of bacteriologic cultures, preparation of slides from tissues and cultures including staining and microscopic examination, and basal metabolism.  In some instances, the laboratory staff under the supervision of the Pathologist analyze samples of milk, water, and other substances.


            The Department of Health’s Division of Laboratories and Research certifies local laboratories for the performance of various kinds of pathological work basing their determinations on the qualifications of the Pathologist in charge of the individual laboratory.  Pathologists in the State service may or may not be approved for various pathologic procedures—those who fully qualify, however, often serve as consulting pathologists to the areas of the State in which they are located.


            Positions are classified in the Department of Health, the Office of Mental Health and the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.


PATHOLOGIST 3 directs the work of an approved hospital laboratory; supervises and directs all work in the fields of hematology, biochemistry, bacteriology, serology, pathology, parasitology, and other related areas, prepares the necessary and appropriate reports; makes special investigations and prepares reports for the New York State Department of Health.


In the State Health Laboratories provides reference and consultation services in all phases of anatomic pathology; conducts both clinical and experimental research in anatomic pathology with particular reference to pathogenesis and diagnosis of disease; conducts continuing post graduate training courses and seminars for pathologists; provides services in pathology to other state agencies and to health officers and physicians in areas not served by pathologists or permit laboratories; participates in collaborative research projects with other units of the Department; prepares narrative and statistical reports; publishes results of findings.  QUALIFICATIONS:  License to practice medicine in New York State, possession of a valid certificate in pathology from the American Board of Pathology or its equivalent, and one year of post-certification experience in pathology in a capacity equal to Pathologist 2.


            STATE LABORATORY CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST provides professional direction to the laboratory reference system program in the Department of Health which conducts periodic tests of methods, procedures and materials of clinical laboratories and blood banks as required by the Public Health Law:  establishes plans for periodic testing of laboratory procedures in hematology, clinical chemistry, parasitology and blood transfusion services; supervises the field inspection of laboratories and blood banks to determine adequacy of facilities, personnel and methodology; evaluates qualifications of director of clinical laboratories and blood banks; directs the development of and reviews and approves manuals of procedure in the various clinical laboratory fields; plans training programs for local laboratory personnel; serves as consultant on patient care and laboratory medicine; conducts research in clinical pathology; prepares reports and publications; cooperates in research and service projects conducted by other sections of the Department.  QUALIFICATIONS:  License to practice medicine in New York State, possession of a valid medical specialty certificate in pathology and two years of responsible full-time experience in the direction of a large clinical laboratory service.




Reviewed:  5/04







NOTE:  Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.  Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class.  The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written.  Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.