Interdepartmental Promotion Examination Open To All Qualified Employees of New York State
Chief Mail and Supply Clerk
- Written Test To Be Held
- October 15, 2011
- Applications Must Be Submitted or Postmarked By
- September 12, 2011
Exam Number | Exam Title | Open to Employees of | Salary | Salary Grade | Fee |
36-622010 | Chief Mail and Supply Clerk | Multiple Agencies | $59,825 | G-21 | $20 |
For Promotion in State Departments, Facilities, and Agencies
- Within Promotion Units
- Within Entire Departments
- To Other Departments
Minimum Qualifications
On or before October 15, 2011, you must be a qualified employee of New York State and have had three months of permanent competitive or 55-b/55-c service in a clerical title allocated to Grade 16 or higher, or as a Head Mail and Supply Clerk, SG-15. Qualifying titles for Chief Mail and Supply Clerk are listed at
If you were permanently appointed to a qualifying title on or before July 15, 2011, and have served continuously in this title since that date, you are eligible to file for this examination.
Qualifying Experience for Appointment from the Eligible List
After one year of the service described in the Minimum Qualifications, successful candidates will be qualified for appointment from the eligible list.
- Applications must be postmarked or submitted online by September 12, 2011. Late applications will not be accepted.
- The Department of Civil Service does not provide study material for this examination. Civil Service offers candidates information on How to Take a Written Test(
105KB), and answers to frequently asked questions for examinations and tests.
- You may bring a hand-held, battery- or solar-powered calculator for use on the test.
- You may also be interested in applying for exam Nos. 36-600010, Chief Clerk or 36-601010, Calculations Clerk 5, being held on October 15, 2011.
- You will not be scored for any exam for which you did not apply.
- If you do not receive a confirmation number after submitting your online application, your application was NOT processed.
The Positions
There are currently a few positions located in Albany.
Subject of Examination
There will be a written test which you must pass in order to be considered for appointment. The written test is designed to test for knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in such areas as:
- Administrative supervision - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in directing the activities of a large subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors. Questions relate to the personal interactions between an upper level supervisor and his/her subordinate supervisors in the accomplishment of objectives. These questions cover such areas as assigning work to and coordinating the activities of several units, establishing and guiding staff development programs, evaluating the performance of subordinate supervisors, and maintaining relationships with other organizational sections.
- Mailroom practices, including the rules, regulations and charges of letter and parcel delivery services - These questions test for a candidate's knowledge of mailroom practices, including the rules, regulations, and charges of letter and parcel delivery services.
- Office management - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices of planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of an office and directing those performing office activities so as to achieve predetermined objectives such as accomplishing office work within reasonable limits of time, effort, and cost expenditure. Typical activities may include but will not be restricted to: simplifying and improving procedures, increasing office efficiency, improving the office work environment, and controlling office supplies.
- Preparing written material - These questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly. For some questions, you will be given information in two or three sentences followed by four restatements of the information. You must then choose the best version. For other questions, you will be given paragraphs with their sentences out of order. You must then choose, from four suggestions, the best order for the sentences.
- Storeskeeping and inventory control - These questions will test for general knowledge of storeskeeping and inventory control in a governmental setting including knowledge used to monitor rates of inventory usage; determine inventory order quantities and re-order points; assess the criticality of stores items; minimize obsolescence and spoilage; and respond appropriately to changes in availability and usage.
- Understanding and interpreting written material - These questions test how well you comprehend written material. You will be provided with brief reading selections and will be asked questions about the selections. All the information required to answer the questions will be presented in the selections; you will not be required to have any special knowledge relating to the subject areas of the selections.
If you pass, your seniority credit(s), if any, will be included in the computation of your final score. Rank on the eligible list will be determined after adding any wartime veterans' credits to your final passing score.
Credit for Seniority
Seniority is credited at the rate of one credit for each five-year period (or fraction thereof), excluding the first year of service.
As a Chief Mail and Supply Clerk, you would supervise staff of at least 150 subordinates responsible for the receipt, control, and timely routing of incoming written communications, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Postal Service and procedures established by the Office of General Services; supervise the collections, preparation, control, and disposition of outgoing written communication; and supervise the receipt, storage, retrieval, and distribution of office supplies, equipment, furniture, and other material.
How To Apply
This announcement is for viewing purposes only.
All statements you make on your application are subject to investigation.
If you do not receive a confirmation number after submitting your online application, your application was NOT processed.
Additional Information
New York State is an Equal Opportunity Employer
It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or arrest and/or criminal conviction record unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification or other exception.
Religious Accommodation
Most written tests are held on Saturdays. If you cannot take the test on the announced test date, due to a conflict with a religious observance or practice, check the box under “Religious Accommodation.” We will make arrangements for you to take the test on a different date (usually the following day).
Reasonable Accommodations in Testing
In addition, it is the policy of the Department of Civil Service, in accordance with the New York State Human Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, to provide qualified persons with disabilities equal employment opportunity and equal opportunity to participate in and receive the benefits, services, programs, and activities of the Department. It is the policy of the Department to provide such persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications as are necessary to enjoy equal opportunity. Persons with disabilities who require an accommodation to participate in an examination must note this on their applications. Further information is available from the Special Arrangements Unit of the Department of Civil Service at 518-457-2487 [press 2, then press 2] in the Albany area, toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 2], or via TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) at 518-457-8480.
Admission to Examination
Notice to appear for the test may be conditional as review of applications may not be made until after the test. If you have not received your notice to appear for the written test three days before the date of the test, call 518-474-6470 in the Albany area or toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 1].
Multiple Examinations Scheduled for the Same Day
With the exception of written tests announced by New York City, if you have applied to take a written test announced by a local jurisdiction (county, town, city) scheduled to be held on the same test date as this written test, you must call 518-474-6470 in the Albany area or toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 1], no later than two weeks before the test date, to make arrangements for taking all tests at one test site. All tests will be held at the state examination center.
Eligibility for Examination
To be eligible to compete in this examination, you must be employed in the specified department or agency on a permanent or contingent permanent basis in the competitive class, or in the non-competitive class or labor class if specifically noted on this announcement (or be on an appropriate preferred list), and have the specified time in the specified title or salary grade. You may not compete in a test for a title if you are permanently employed in that title (unless you are still on probation) or in a higher direct line of promotion.
Cell Phones or Electronic/Communication Devices at the Test Site
Do not bring cell phones, beepers, headphones, or any electronic or other communication devices to the test site. The use of such devices at the test site in the test room, hallways, restrooms, building, grounds, or other areas could result in your disqualification.
S1/TA1 SAR-sac
Issued: 7/29/11
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