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State Personnel Management Manual

Policy Bulletin #01- 02

 2200 Separations and Leaves
September 20, 2001
Superceded by Policy Bulletin 03-02

Agency Reduction Transfer Lists

Section 78, Civil Service Law, providing for the Agency Reduction Transfer List Program, has become a permanent part of Civil Service Law and no longer has a "sunset" provision attached to it.

Originally the Agency Reduction Transfer List Program was intended to mitigate the numbers of layoffs caused by abolition of positions and accompanying reductions in force by matching affected employees with other opportunities in the State service. More recently the program has provided similar services for employees affected by consolidation of program or function and relocations. The so-called "blue card" system refers to the color of the card form on which information is transmitted to Civil Service which is used to create the Agency Reduction Transfer Lists (ARTL's). This program has been very successful in meeting the program goal of mitigating separations.

To insure its continued success, this policy bulletin is intended to provide current information on necessary policies and procedures.

  • The Agency Reduction Transfer List Program is available on a voluntary basis to employees whose position may be affected by a reduction-in-force. The Program is intended for those employees most likely to be affected but not for all employees in a title series.
  • The ARTL Program is also made available to employees whose position is relocated to a different county, but who refuse reassignment. It is not available for employees who refuse reassignment within the same county.
  • The ARTL Program is not for employees who are affected by a return of incumbent (Rule 4.11 and 4.12). These employees have regular reemployment lists rights as described in the SPMM.

The ARTL Program may be initiated up to six months prior to the target date for the intended action. To initiate the process, agencies should identify the employees most likely to be affected - usually by seniority in a title series or by location, bureau or unit - and offer them the opportunity to place their name on the transfer lists. Those employees who volunteer for the program should complete Form S-295.6, ARTL eligibility card, (the "blue card") and submit it, through the agency personnel office for verification of information and attestation, to the Career Mobility unit, Department of Civil Service.

Employees whose names are active in the ARTL system are not automatically placed on preferred lists as of the date of the intended agency action. While the ARTL program is voluntary, any reduction-in-force must follow Civil Service laws, rules and regulations to determine who will be impacted and who will have mandatory rights to reemployment following separation. Agencies must submit cards to the Career Mobility Unit 20 business days in advance of the agency target date when employees who have not been transferred are to be laid off.

Questions on the ARTL Program in general or on specific situations should be directed to the Career Mobility Unit (518) 485-6199. Supplies of Form S-295.6 (the "blue card") and an information booklet on the ARTL program are also available. Completed forms and any correspondence should be sent to the Career Mobility Unit, NYS Department of Civil Service, Building 1, The State Campus, Room 169, Albany, NY 12239.

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