Disclaimer and Caveats...
Some of this material has been scanned in, which introduces errors.
Please feel free to let us know about typos you find that need correcting.
Differences between the on-line and paper
In a very few cases obsolete materials may not be included, and/or
a note has been made on a particular paragraph that the information
is no longer applicable, or that newer information appears elsewhere.
Further, this on-line version may include additional material. For
example, a relevant General Information Bulletin (GIB) not originally
intended for inclusion in the published paper version.
In addition there will be additional information where clarifications
or notes have been added since the original paper version was issued.
These will be indicated by [Note: clarifying information]. When the section is
re-issued or replaced these notes will be incorporated.
Lastly, there may be hyperlinks to allow users to go immediately
to cross referenced sections. Since this site was originally internal,
there may be some links to other manuals or documents which may
not work here at this time, but may work in the future if these
become available..
Organization of this material:
A web site is not a book. You can't just leaf through it, or make
notes in the margins. And while it may be quicker to click on a
link or an icon on your desktop, (unless the network is down) you
lose certain information using only this method of presentation.
For example, the volume of material about a particular topic is
not readily apparent. Further, there may be Policy Bulletins or
Advisory Memoranda which modify or elaborate upon the information
contained in the 'white pages' for a topic. Since they are no longer
interfiled as they were in the paper version you should check the
TOC's to see the complete range of information which might be available
and relevant to the topic in which you are interested.