Section 26.3
November 2011

TO: State Departments and Agencies
FROM: Blaine Ryan-Lynch, Director of Staffing Services
SUBJECT: Implementation of the PEF Productivity Enhancement Program for 2012

The Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) for 2012 allows eligible PEF-represented employees in the Executive branch to exchange previously accrued annual leave (vacation) and/or personal leave in return for a credit to be applied toward their employee share NYSHIP premiums on a biweekly basis. Attached please find the Program Description and the enrollment form for the 2012 PEP Program.

The starting and ending dates of the PEP program for 2012 are detailed in the Program Description. The enrollment period for 2012 will be open through Monday, December 5, 2011.

Implementation of the program will require action on the part of agency personnel officers, agency timekeepers, and agency health benefits administrators. Specifically, agency personnel officers will be responsible for (1) providing interested employees with program descriptions and enrollment forms; (2) verifying employee eligibility to participate; and (3) notifying timekeepers and health benefits administrators of participant enrollments and separations from service. Agency timekeepers will be responsible for adjusting the vacation and/or personal leave balances of participants upon enrollment. Questions regarding employee eligibility and leave transactions (with the exception of questions pertaining to Institution Teachers) should be directed to the Attendance and Leave Unit of the Department of Civil Service at (518) 457-2295. Questions regarding Institution Teachers should be directed to the employee's central personnel office.

Agency health benefits administrators (HBAs) are responsible for processing the Health Insurance Premium Contribution Credit (HIPCC) for PEP enrollees. The Employee Benefits Division will be issuing a separate document with specific instructions for HBAs. Questions regarding health insurance transactions should be directed to your agency's processor in the Employee Benefits Division Operations Unit.

Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) Description

Institution Teachers Appendix

Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) Enrollment Form