Salary Schedules

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NU-02 Administrative Services Unit (ASU)
NU-03 Operational Services Unit (OSU)
NU-04 Institutional Services Unit (ISU), and the Division of Military and Naval Affairs Unit (DMNA)

[Represented by the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)]

Go to preceding salary schedule April 1, 2020 · April 1, 2021 · April 1, 2022 Go to next salary Schedule

CSEA (ASU [02], OSU [03], ISU [04]): April 1, 2021
Grade Hiring Rate Hiring Rate
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Job Rate Job Rate
01 $25,825 $12.37 $26,696 $27,567 $28,438 $29,309 $30,180 $31,051 $31,922 $15.29 $871
02 $26,811 $12.84 $27,726 $28,641 $29,556 $30,471 $31,386 $32,301 $33,216 $15.91 $915
03 $28,150 $13.48 $29,105 $30,060 $31,015 $31,970 $32,925 $33,880 $34,835 $16.68 $955
04 $29,379 $14.07 $30,390 $31,401 $32,412 $33,423 $34,434 $35,445 $36,456 $17.46 $1,011
05 $30,785 $14.74 $31,844 $32,903 $33,962 $35,021 $36,080 $37,139 $38,198 $18.29 $1,059
06 $32,507 $15.57 $33,608 $34,709 $35,810 $36,911 $38,012 $39,113 $40,214 $19.26 $1,101
07 $34,304 $16.43 $35,459 $36,614 $37,769 $38,924 $40,079 $41,234 $42,389 $20.30 $1,155
08 $36,239 $17.36 $37,437 $38,635 $39,833 $41,031 $42,229 $43,427 $44,625 $21.37 $1,198
09 $38,257 $18.32 $39,510 $40,763 $42,016 $43,269 $44,522 $45,775 $47,028 $22.52 $1,253
10 $40,446 $19.37 $41,759 $43,072 $44,385 $45,698 $47,011 $48,324 $49,637 $23.77 $1,313
11 $42,792 $20.49 $44,170 $45,548 $46,926 $48,304 $49,682 $51,060 $52,438 $25.11 $1,378
12 $45,241 $21.67 $46,667 $48,093 $49,519 $50,945 $52,371 $53,797 $55,223 $26.45 $1,426
13 $47,923 $22.95 $49,416 $50,909 $52,402 $53,895 $55,388 $56,881 $58,374 $27.96 $1,493
14 $50,697 $24.28 $52,251 $53,805 $55,359 $56,913 $58,467 $60,021 $61,575 $29.49 $1,554
15 $53,641 $25.69 $55,261 $56,881 $58,501 $60,121 $61,741 $63,361 $64,981 $31.12 $1,620
16 $56,646 $27.13 $58,341 $60,036 $61,731 $63,426 $65,121 $66,816 $68,511 $32.81 $1,695
17 $59,834 $28.66 $61,624 $63,414 $65,204 $66,994 $68,784 $70,574 $72,364 $34.66 $1,790
18 $63,290 $30.31 $65,161 $67,032 $68,903 $70,774 $72,645 $74,516 $76,387 $36.58 $1,871
19 $66,681 $31.94 $68,645 $70,609 $72,573 $74,537 $76,501 $78,465 $80,429 $38.52 $1,964
20 $70,170 $33.61 $72,210 $74,250 $76,290 $78,330 $80,370 $82,410 $84,450 $40.45 $2,040
21 $73,932 $35.41 $76,067 $78,202 $80,337 $82,472 $84,607 $86,742 $88,877 $42.57 $2,135
22 $77,895 $37.31 $80,127 $82,359 $84,591 $86,823 $89,055 $91,287 $93,519 $44.79 $2,232
23 $82,062 $39.30 $84,392 $86,722 $89,052 $91,382 $93,712 $96,042 $98,372 $47.11 $2,330
24 $86,528 $41.44 $88,939 $91,350 $93,761 $96,172 $98,583 $100,994 $103,405 $49.52 $2,411
25 $91,309 $43.73 $93,827 $96,345 $98,863 $101,381 $103,899 $106,417 $108,935 $52.17 $2,518

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