Help With Feeds
What is a Feed?
Feeds are an XML-based format for distributing web content. It is an easy way for you to keep track of information without having to go to a web site and search for it. Using programs called feed readers, users can subscribe to an XML feed that will deliver content to them.
What is a Feed Reader?
A feed reader, sometimes referred to as a feed aggregator, is a software application that collects feed information from one or more sources and displays them in a consolidated view.
Where Can I Get a Feed Reader?
Most modern web browsers include support for viewing and subscribing to feeds. These include Mozilla Firefox and Opera 9 for all platforms, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
The Department of Civil Service is not responsible for the software listed above or your use of it. The links above are provided for your convenience and does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the software or companies.
How Do I Subscribe to a Feed?
If a page or section of the Department of Civil Service Web Site offers a feed the feed icon and a link to that feed will be available on that page. If your web browser supports feeds your browser may also notify you of any available feeds. For specific instructions on subscribing to a feed please refer to your feed reader or web browser's help documentation.
What Feeds are Available from the Department of Civil Service?
Currently, the Department of Civil Service Offers the following feeds: