TO: Department and Agency Directors of Human Resources

FROM: Jessica Rowe, Director of Staffing Services

SUBJECT: Agency Workforce and Succession Planning Guide - Supplemental Job Aid

DATE: December 17, 2019

Effective today, a new information resource, the Agency Workforce and Succession Planning Guide - Supplemental Job Aid, is now available on the Department of Civil Service (DCS) website.

DCS has developed a toolkit of best practices on how to identify critical positions and implement a succession plan for such positions. Now included in this toolkit is a step-by-step technical job aid for utilizing Workforce Analytics, which will provide further support to State agencies to inform decision-making and improve continuity of operations.

To access Supplemental Job Aid and Succession Planning Guide, as well as future information on agency workforce and succession planning, please visit:

We hope that you find this to be a valuable information resource and remain committed to working with your agency to optimize succession planning activities. If you have any questions, you may contact DCS at