Online Training and Experience Test
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This page contains a collection of answers to the most common questions about online training and experience tests for the NYS Department of Civil Service.
The Online Test
- What is the Online Test?
- When do I take the online test?
- Where do I take the online test?
- What should I use to access the online test?
- What Internet browser should I use?
- What can I do to make the online test process go as smoothly as possible?
- The online test does not launch after selecting 'Start'. What should I do?
- I receive an 'App Access Locked' or 'App Not Assigned' error message when trying to sign into the Applicant Dashboard. What should I do?
- What If I have a question about how to respond to specific questions on the online test?
- Do I need to complete the online test in one session?
- I completed a section in the online test, but when I returned none of my information was saved. What happened?
- I hit the back button to return to another part of the Online test, but my prior entry did not save. What happened?
- I started to complete the online test but was signed out. None of the information I completed appeared when I signed back in. What happened?
- Will I be able to edit my responses after I submit?
- How do I know my online test was submitted correctly?
The Online Test
Q. What is the Online Test?
A. The Online Test is a training & experience test which uses an online questionnaire that asks questions about your education, training, and work experience. This online questionnaire is your test, and the answers you provide to the questions will be used to rate and score your test.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. When do I take the online test?
A. After you submit your Online Examination Application, you must complete and submit the online test by 11:59 pm on the date listed on the examination announcement.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. Where do I take the online test?
You can complete the online test anywhere you can access the internet using a personal computer. (e.g. home, library, career center, etc.)
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. What should I use to access the online test?
A. Use a desktop or laptop computer to access the online test. Do not use a phone or tablet.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. What Internet browser should I use?
A. You should use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari to access the online test.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. Q. What can I do to make the online test process go as smoothly as possible?
A. We highly recommend that you first watch the online Training and Experience Test Tutorial. After launching the test, you should review the online test in its entirety and collect all the information you will need to complete the test (e.g., information pertaining to specific work experience, including dates of employment and supervisor contact information). Then, set aside a block of time that is free of interruptions while you work on the online test. Answer all questions as completely and accurately as possible. Save the information that you enter on each page by clicking on the "Save" button at the bottom of each section. Review all saved information before submitting your completed test and retain a copy of your response summary after submission.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. The online test does not launch after selecting 'Start'. What should I do?
A. Make sure your pop-up blocker is off and the Internet browser you are using is up to date.
You may also have to clear your Internet browser cache and cookies in the browser's settings.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. I receive an 'App Access Locked' or 'App Not Assigned' error message when trying to sign into the Testing Dashboard. What should I do?
A. This message appears if you are trying to sign in using an incorrect account. You should be using your personal username and password to access the test. This is the same username and password you used to apply for the test. If you are already a NYS employee, you will not be able to access the test using your government username and password.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. What if I have a question about how to respond to specific questions on the online test?
A. The test includes general instructions, instructions for navigating the questionnaire, and specific instructions for completing the online test. To be fair to all candidates, staff cannot provide individual assistance or directions as to how you should respond to specific questions. You should review the instructions carefully and answer as best you can.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. Do I need to complete the online test in one session?
A. No. You may enter and save your responses to one or more sections and then return to complete other sections at another time. To do so, make sure you save your entries in the sections you have completed, and then select 'Save and continue at a later time' at the bottom of the main checklist. The 'Save and continue at a later time' button brings you back to your Testing Dashboard.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. I completed a section in the online test, but when I returned none of my information was saved. What happened?
A. As you complete each section, you need to "Save" before navigating off the page. If you attempt to return to the checklist, or move to another section without saving, a prompt will appear on the screen asking if you want to proceed without saving. If you did not save, you will need to re-enter the information.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. I hit the back button to return to another part of the Online test, but my prior entry did not save. What happened?
A. This system is not designed to handle use of the back button. If used, any unsaved information will be lost. Instead, please use the navigation provided on each page.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. I started to complete the online test but was signed out. None of the information I completed appeared when I signed back in. What happened?
A. If you are logged off for any reason (e.g., a period of inactivity), you will be required to log-in again. If you were in the process of completing a section but did not save the information, any information on that page will be lost; however, information saved previously will remain.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. Will I be able to edit my responses after I submit?
A. . After you submit the test, you can edit your responses at any time up until the deadline. You must SAVE and RESUBMIT your questionnaire every time you edit it for your changes to save. No changes are allowed after the deadline listed on the examination announcement.
Back to the Online Test Questions
Q. How do I know my online test was submitted correctly?
A. After you submit your online test, you will receive a confirmation on the screen stating that your online test has been successfully submitted. This confirmation pop-up also includes an option for you to download and save or print a copy of your submission details. We strongly recommend that you retain a copy of this for your records as it includes your submission details and responses.
You can also confirm your submission from Testing Dashboard. If you have submitted the test and the exam period is still open, you will see a blue flag next to the exam number on the 'Available' page. If you hover over that flag, it will say 'Response submitted earlier'. If you have submitted the test and the exam period has ended, you can confirm your submission by selecting 'History' at the top of the page. If you successfully submitted, you will see a record for that exam number with a status of 'Submitted' and your submission date.