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GSEU Rates for 2007

Effective January 1, 2007, the employee share of the biweekly premium for medical/dental/vision coverage for SUNY graduate and teaching assistant employees in the Student Employee Health Plan (SEHP) under the New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) will be:

Individual coverage $4.79

Family coverage $41.53

The new rate will be deducted automatically from employees' biweekly paychecks beginning with the paycheck dated December 27, 2006.


Eligible student employees may enroll as follows:

  1. Within 45 days of first becoming eligible for coverage
  2. During an annual open enrollment period, which is set by SUNY each year, usually from mid-August through late September
  3. Involuntary loss of other coverage
  4. At any time, with a 30-day waiting period before coverage begins

For domestic students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents), enrollment is optional except at campuses where health insurance coverage is mandated by the campus (e.g. University at Buffalo).

Please contact the agency Health Benefits Administrator on your campus, usually in the Human Resources (Personnel) Office, if you have any questions about enrollment, eligibility or the cost of your health insurance. A summary of your health benefits is available on this site.

Please note: If your employment with SUNY in a benefits-eligible position is ending, please discard your health insurance and dental plan ID cards and contact the agency Health Benefits Administrator on your campus to update your records. Be sure to ask the date your coverage will end; it may be different from the date printed on your ID card. Expenses you incur after your coverage ends will not be paid unless you enroll for COBRA continuation coverage.

COBRA enrollees: Your monthly bills will reflect your new rate, beginning with the bill you receive in December. If you have questions about the cost of your COBRA coverage, or wish to end your COBRA coverage, contact the Employee Benefits Division at 518-457-5754 or 1-800-833-4344.