TO: Department and Agency Directors, Human Resources and Affirmative Action Officers

FROM: Jessica Rowe, Director of Staffing Services

SUBJECT: Eligible List Management System (ELMS) Transition to VDI

DATE: December 27, 2022

Effective January 3, 2023, the Eligible List Management System (ELMS) will be accessed through the VMware Horizon virtual desktop (VDI), and CITRIX will no longer be available. Below is a link to instructions on how to download and sign into VDI. If you experience issues with downloading, please contact the ITS Enterprise Service Desk at (844) 891-1786.

ELMS Access in VDI:

A soft token will be needed if accessing VMware while not connected to your state network. Please contact the ITS Enterprise Service Desk at (844) 891-1786 if you need assistance obtaining your soft token.

Once signed into VDI, all ELMS users will see the same ELMS icon (see below) as before, will be able to log in with their same Username and password, and will have the same functionality.